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——We're outside a door, waiting for anything.
Any movement or noice other then the statue like guards standing beside us.
Then suddenly someone in a lab coat asks for one of the girls from the crack of the door.

After waiting for some time, she opens the door with the girl, bandages on her arms. Staggering as a guard guides her down a hallway.
Now well aware there are more shots to come.

Next. Next. Next and next and next till I'm up for the place.
Entering to sit near a table piled with needles and vials.
All colours of liquids and clipboards full of papers with computers by side, the screens showing countless numbers.

A lady lifts my sleeve and begins, I look away only to feel pinches from the needles.
The rush of information all around my body feels the flood.

Another lady flashes a light in my eyes to tell me to breath to a rhythm.
Everything shifting in any way as someone helps me sit up, sensing and making my limbs move to walk. Seeing different colours along my eyesight. "104," I hear clearly, beside me there's a guard. "104 are you feeling as usual during your change?" I recognize that question. I try my best to nod yes while focusing on walking.

Waking up with a headache. To see a well room with the other girls on their own beds.
Seeing that I'm the first up. I get up to open the curtains, early morning.
They know we need our time to sleep after our time of change.
Our time of change is when they inject us with information on what we'll have to use.
Only for our school we had to work with our actual brains for memory and skills. So with this we're forced the info and will definitely remember.
For our time of change, an example is now I feel who Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung truly are.
What they like to eat, they're voices. And mostly the hallways that are outside of this room. That's all I can sense that's new at the moment, throughout time when needed whatever they had us know will be there right away.

Hearing beds creak, the others are waking up.
"Ladies up." A woman's voice calls out after opening the door and rolling in a tray of maid clothing.
Some girls take some time to wipe their eyes and line up.
She points to two doors in a corner, I'm the first to investigate, getting close I feel the bathroom.
Opening the door to see a massive bathroom with showers and toilets then beside that bathroom door is the supplies for whatever we need.

—Getting ready I notice the time. With feeling, I know the schedule. It's time to eat.
Dressed in my black and white housemaid outfit, knee high stockings and black dress shoes. The number '104' on my left sleeve, placed on a patch.
Following the halls, I feel my muscle memory bring me to a kitchen.

——Being told, we eat the made breakfast.

"104 you're needed from Jimin. In my room."
I feel inside my mind. Looking around for a second forgetting that's a new instalment. It's Jimin's voice.

Following my muscle memory to bring me to Jimin's room. I knock and turn the knob.
To view him waiting at the opposite side in front of a window.
Closing the door, I turn to bow.
"Hello Jimin, I'm here for your care."
"Yes 104," a sly smile he gives.
"Could you get my bubble bath ready for me?" His soft question brings me to another bow.

Memory feeling to his bathroom.
Washing out the tub and ready the bubbles.
I sense his presence near the door, "I like it hot." His voice echoes. "Yes sir." Already knowing from the change.

——While it fills, I feel he likes candles and smells. The swift of joy as I smell vanilla.
Looking through his closet I find the candles and matches.
——Setting it all up for his liking, I join him at his desk, "Sir, it's ready for you." He gets up walking fast.
"I'm satisfied, but stay as I bathe." I nod as he undresses in front of the door.

While more skin is revealed, he hands me his clothes. With noticing all the bruises that are placed randomly around his surface.
I do try my best to actually feel his presence.. if he's in any pain but I can't yet.

"Sir, would you like for me to look at your bruising? Would there be any scars?"
His agony and full pain shown from his groans as well as his face stepping into the hot water.
"No 104. It's fine." He smiles, then shoos me away with his clothing.


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