Chapter 1: The surprise

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Claire's P.O.V.

It's been one, almost two years since I moved back to North Carolina. I am almost 17 now, I'm a junior at Old Oaks High School. Jake is now a freshman at Old Oaks and we have adjusted back. We live two blocks away from our old house. We have re connected with our friends, and they were very excited to hear we were moving back. I have my driver's license and my own car. I still keep in touch with Margaret and Georgia, and they might be planning a visit out here!

So that's it.

That's me.

That's the overview of what's happened.

And to answer the question that may or may not be looming in your head, no. Braden and I haven't talked at all. The last time I contacted him was when our plane landed. He didn't call or text on my 16th birthday, and I didn't contact him on his birthday. I guess he moved on. And I want him to. I'm not worth hanging on to, but I do love him. I wish I could see him, just once more. I just want to see how he's doing. But, that could never happen. Braden's moved on, and so have I, I think.

"Claire!" Jake yells, snapping me out of my thought.

"What?!" I yell back through my closed bedroom door.

"Time for school!" he yells.

"Jake, it's Saturday!" I yell opening my door.

"I know." He says shrugging his shoulders.

"Then why did you yell at me?" I ask.

"I just wanted to annoy you." He says happily.

"Thanks." I say sarcastically and rolling my eyes.

"Oh yeah! Mom said Kim is here with Britney and Alexis!" he yells.

"Ok. I'll be down in a sec!" I yell. Kim is my moms friend and they are going to lunch, Britney and Alexis are Kim's little girls. Britney is 7 and Alexis is 4. I watch them while they go out. I run downstairs and when they see me their pale blue eyes light up and smiles jump onto their faces. They come running at me and jump on me screaming my name.

"Hey guys!" I say smiling and picking them up. Alexis on my right hip, Britney on my left.

"Could we go up to your room?" Alexis asks in the typical 'little girl' voice.

"Yeah, can we?" Britney asks hopefully.

"Yeah hold on. Just let me talk to your mom first. You can go jump on Jake if you want." I say smirking. They love to attack Jake. Jake says he doesn't like it, but by his face you can tell he does. I set them down and they go run towards Jake.

"Thank you so much for watching them for me." Kim says pushing her short brown hair out of her face.

"Anytime. Did they already eat?" I ask.

"I have their lunches right here." she says handing me the lunches. I take them from her and thank her. She thanks me and leaves with my mom.

"Now can we go?" Alexis asks jumping off of Jake.

"Let's go." I say gesturing for Britney to come with us.

"Yay!" They both scream. They run up the stairs and into my room. I follow them up and see them on my bed.

"Come here!" I say running towards them.

"Aahh!" they scream and run out of my room. Well, looks like we're playing hide and seek. I find Britney behind my bathroom door. I look all over the house for Alexis but I can't find her. I go back into my room and see her on my bed with something in her hands.

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