Chapter 26: One Stupid Little Rock

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Claire's P.O.V. (The next day)

Braden's left arm is draped over me and his right arm is under my neck. His warm stomach is pressed against my back. His chin is resting on the top of my head and my arms are pulled to my body. Last night nothing else really happened, we watched movies, ate food, and made out. Braden said he didn't want to do anything else except for be with me. So I let him. Yesterday he was constantly holding me, whether it was my hand or me being in his lap, and I don't mind. Him holding me makes me feel safe.

Just like right now. I feel his steady breathing against my back and I lift my head to get a better view of the clock. It's 3:47 in the morning, so I place my head back down and fall back asleep with the person I love right behind me.


I feel hands mid way down my back pulling me closer. I re position my head on the arm under my head and move my body closer to the source of the pulling. My head rests on a shoulder and a hand is around my waist. The smell of safety immediately tells me it's Braden. He kisses the top of my head gently. I lazily open my eyes and I am greeted by his beautiful eyes.

"Hey." He says softly with a smile.

"Hey." I reply with a smile.

"So today I was thinking we could try out the lake." He says.

"Sounds good." I say. He kisses the top of my head gently and I smile.

"Want breakfast? Then we can go out to the pool and after lunch we can go to the lake." He asks.

"Sure. In a little bit, I kind of like this." I say as I snuggle farther into his chest. He tightens his grip on me and I can feel him smile.

A few minutes later he loosens his grip.

"Okay, I love this and I love you, but I'm starving." He says. I let out a small laugh and he does too.

"Okay. Let's go." I say as I sit up and get out of the bed. Braden follows me as I leave to go into the kitchen. I go into the pantry and grab cereal and bowls and come out to see Braden sitting on the edge of the counter with his legs crossed and a sad look on his face.

"Braden," I say with concern in my voice as I walk to him and put the bowls and boxes on the counter.

"I tripped on the way in here and hit my toe." He says like a two year old. I let out a small, yet sympathetic laugh.

"Aww, I'm sorry." I say.

"I think I need a kiss to make me feel better." He says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes with a smile still on my face and lean into him. I put my hands behind him and put them on the counter. His lips collide with mine as he puts his hands on my upper back. His hands slowly move down to my rib cage, and stop there. That's not where I want them, so I take my hands out from behind Braden and move them so they are on top of Braden's. I move his hands, along with mine, down to my waist. I feel Braden's lips curve into a smile and so do mine.

"I love you so much." He says quietly. I smile.

"So we should eat and go to the lake." I say with a smirk.

"Sounds like a plan to me." He says.


So eating and going to the lake didn't work out as well as we thought. We ended up eating, making out and now we are laying on the bed.

"That was fun." Braden says. I look up into his eyes and smile.

"Yeah." I say.

"Now we can go to the lake." He says. I nod and stand up, and go to the bathroom to change into my bathing suit. I quickly change and see Braden all ready to go in a light blue bathing suit. He smiles and the light is hitting him perfectly, the light bounces off the scars on his chest and stomach that I haven't noticed. My eyes burn and tears claw at the back of my eyes as the memories of a beaten, battered, and bloody Braden return to my mind.

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