Chapter 7: The "talk"

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Braden's P.O.V.

Claire moved to the other side of the bed a few minutes ago, and has fallen asleep against my shoulder. She told me not to put my arm around her, because she didn't want to cause me any more pain than she already has. I don't think she understands that this was my choice. I chose to go confront Dylan knowing what could happen to me, I chose to go do that so she wouldn't get hurt. Yes, she was a major influence, but she didn't ask me to go do it, therefore, it's not her fault. She needs to stop thinking that my choice is her fault. She said that she can't live with herself knowing she did this to me, so she doesn't need to see me like this if she can't live with herself.

I slowly move my shoulder out from under Claire's head and sit up. It hurts a lot, just not as bad as I thought. I stand up and get a little light headed, I steady myself with Claire's headboard, and take a step, and another, and another. I get to her door and walk out of it, and close it slowly. I walk to the top of the stairs and my head starts to hurt. I look over the railing and don't see anyone. Good, they don't need to see me like this. I lower my right foot and then lower my whole body, and I completed one step. I repeat that over an over again, slowly. I am about halfway down when Jake comes around the corner he drops the shoes he's carrying and runs up the stairs to me.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"I'm going home." I say going down another step.

"No you're not. You can barely go down the stairs! Why are you leaving?" he asks putting his hand on my chest to stop me from going.

"Claire has been blaming herself for what happened to me, and I can't let her do that. So if she can't see me, she can't blame herself." I say holding onto the railing.

"So you'd rather her be worried sick all night about you than her blame herself? Braden, I know you really love my sister. I've seen her worrying about you, that causes her more pain than you could ever imagine on yourself. She really loves you, and leaving her to worry just makes everything a million times worse than it already is. She freaks out, she can't calm down, she is awake all night, and I know because she's crying. I said I wouldn't give you the 'brother talk', but you better not hurt her. She deserves a happy relationship, and if you can't give her that, then you're gonna need to get out of her life. Now that you know what goes on when you're not here, I would suggest you back up there with her." Jake says. Does Claire really freak out when I leave her?

"I have to get up there." I say turning around.

"Yeah, you do. I'll help." He says slipping his arm around my back and helps me lift my body up each step. When we get to the top of the steps Jake lets go and moves so he steps in front of me.

"Here's part two of my 'brother talk.' Go in there, be with her, and don't ever let her go. Don't ever hurt her again, and you don't get hurt. You getting hurt just hurts her, because she blames herself for whatever happens to you. So long story short, neither of you get hurt." Jake says. He really does care about Claire, he made sure that I don't hurt her ever again. And I won't. I give Jake a nod, and he nods back. He puts his arm back around me and helps me to Claire's room. He turns to face me. "Let me see if she's awake." He says and I nod. He lets go of me and slowly opens the door and closes it behind him. A few seconds later he opens up the door and helps me in. Claire is standing up, pacing the room and when she sees me and runs to me. She wraps her arms around my neck, and Jake lets go of me.

"Where did you go? I thought you left." She says letting go of my neck and putting her hands on my shoulder.

"He had to go to the bathroom." Jake says.

"Why didn't you use mine?" she asks pointing to the bathroom directly off of her room.

"I didn't want to wake you up." I say back. She lets go of my shoulders and turns to talk to Jake about what happened while I was walking around. While they're talking I lean up against the door frame because I get light headed. I lean my head back, close my eyes, and take a deep breath. I assume Claire notices because her and Jake are holding me up, bringing me to her bed.

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