Chapter 13: I hope I didn't lie

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Claire's P.O.V. (3 weeks later)

I have been doing a lot better over the last three weeks. I still haven't talked, because I'm so afraid that I will feel that pain again. That is the worst pain you can ever imagine, there's not even words to explain it, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. That's how bad it is. I am able to sit and stand up, in fact I walked to the bathroom off of my room yesterday, and the day before that. So now, I've been walking around the hospital. That's major improvement, I've been working on getting better and more mobile over the past weeks.

Friends have been allowed to visit me for a week, Megan, Erica, and Olivia visited me last week, the day after friends were allowed. But they understood that I couldn't talk. They just told me what was going on at school. The answer, nothing.

Also, the other question that may or may not be in the back of your head, no. Braden has not visited me. In fact, I told (more like mouthed to) my family to not tell him. I can't have him be around me. I know he deserves to know, but I need to focus on getting better. If he's around, I'll be worrying about how he's worrying about me, and that will delay my already slow recovery process. Actually, my doctor said he's impressed with my recovery. I have recovered quicker than he ever thought, which is good.

But I do feel bad about Braden. He thinks I'm not doing any better, he thinks I'm still in bed, unable to move. He thinks I haven't improved at all, because Jake won't tell him anything. He thinks that I'm in the same condition I was three weeks ago, which was horrible. Jake told me that Braden was discharged two weeks ago, and is going back to school, but he put up a fight to stay and wait until I was better, so he could see me. But he lost that battle.

I am also still wearing the bandages on my head and mid section, but they don't really get in the way when I walk around.

"Hey sweetie, how are you doing?" My mom asks sticking her head in the room. I am laying in my bed, just laying. I just hold my thumb up to tell her I'm fine. "Claire, you can stand up, and walk. I'm pretty sure you will be okay if you talk." She says walking in. But the truth is, I'm also partially waiting to talk to Braden. I want him to be the first person I talk to, but I probably won't get my wish.

"Hi, Claire. How are you doing?" Dr. James asks me.

"She still won't talk." My mom says like she's annoyed.

"It's going to be okay if you do. You have gone through major, major improvement." He says comfortingly.

"How is she doing?" my mom asks walking over to me. I slowly sit up, and reach for my glass of water. I take a sip and relief floods me. Last week I was unhooked from the IV, and I can eat and drink on my own. Well eating is an overstatement. I really don't eat anything, because of the whole permanent damage thing. But I do eat a little bit everyday.

"We actually came in to tell you that you will be allowed to leave tomorrow, if everything runs as according to plan." He says.

Tomorrow? I don't think I'm ready. I've felt safe here, like if anything happened, I would be taken care of. And Braden. I am so excited to see Braden. I haven't seen him in three weeks, I miss him so much. I miss his touch, I miss the way he holds me, I miss his mouth against mine. I want to surprise him, like he did to me.

"Tomorrow? That's great! I'm going to go tell your father. Thank you so much." My mom says, and after that she leaves. I turn my head, slowly, to face Dr. James.

"I want to go over some things with you. Is that okay?" he asks sitting down.

I nod yes.

"No strenuous activity for about another week. You can walk to the kitchen, you can walk your dog two houses up the street. But nothing too strenuous, and don't stand for long periods of time. Don't eat too much at one time, but if you do, and happen to get the cramps, here's what I want you to do. Lay flat on your back, and either you call, or have somebody else call us. Someone will be there, and can help you. And the question about Braden that's in your head, yes. You can see him. But no too tight hugs, no long walks in the park. Very minimal, but I know you want to see him, also don't stand up for long periods of time. You should be okay though. Y'all can kiss, do whatever it is you do, just nothing too strenuous." He says, and I blush.

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