Chapter 22: The Eternal Feeling

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Claire's P.O.V. (3 weeks later)

It's been 3 weeks, and I'm doing so much better. I can walk, run, do pretty much everything. I've heard I'm okay, it's just for some reason, my stomach isn't healing the way it's supposed to be. It's kind of making me nervous, it doesn't hurt or anything, but apparently it's not doing what it's supposed to. I don't want this to keep me from going away with Braden. But nothing will keep me from him. He has visited me everyday, never leaves my side, actually. We go on walks around the hospital, and just talk.

I look down to my right, and Braden's head is resting on the edge of the bed. We were awake late last night laughing about who knows what. His relaxed face is towards me and I get lost in his peacefulness. Last night he made me feel alive, like we were the only two people in the world. It was so fun, I forgot about the world and all of the problems I've faced. He made me feel amazing, and no, I'm not talking about sex. Just the night of laughter and fun we had with each other was desperately needed.

I smile and I place my hand on his head and run my fingers through his hair. He takes a deep breath and turns his head around so his face is no longer towards me. I continue to run my fingers through his hair, never wanting this moment to end. He lifts his left hand and places it next to his head, close to mine. I take my hand off of his head and hold his hand. I put my head back down and close my eyes. I fall back asleep with Braden's hand in mine.

***a few minutes later***

Warm lips meet mine, and I immediately kiss back, knowing it's Braden. I lift my hand and place it on the back of his neck, and press his mouth against mine even more. He pulls back when we both need air.

"Hey." He says with his face hovering above mine.

"Hey." I say back. I examine his eyes and see happiness, something I haven't seen in a long time.

"I love you." He says, as he looks into my eyes.

"I love you too." I say back as I smile.

"I love you more." He says back. I let out a small giggle and pull his mouth to mine once again. I push him forward with our mouths still connected, so I am sitting up. Braden sits down on the edge of the bed and pulls me into his lap. I tilt my head to my left and up as he tilts his down and right, so our mouths can still be connected. His arms gently wrap around me, supporting my back. I reach up and place my hand on his neck. We both pull back at the same time and he gives me a squeeze.

"I don't want this to end." He says quietly. I smile and rest my head on his chest and close my eyes and take in this moment. Braden gently strokes my shoulder with his thumb and kisses the top of my head.

"Claire-oh, is she asleep?" I hear my mom ask.

"I-I don't, well maybe." Braden says.

"I'm not." I say as I lift my head off Braden's chest, but he still keeps his arms around me.

"Braden, can I have a moment with Claire please?" she asks.

"Sure." He says. I stand up and he leaves. I stand next to the bed and left my left leg and put it on the edge.

"What's up?" I ask.

"The doctor and I just finished talking." She says.

"And?" I ask, hopeful that I'll be able to leave soon.

"You are free to go." She says with a smile.

"Like, today?" I ask excitedly.

"In a few hours." She says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, I just have to settle some things and we can leave in a little bit." She says.

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