Chapter 8: The best one yet

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Braden's P.O.V.

"He can't see me like this!!!" I can't get that out of my head. I am sitting on the edge of my bed, my breaths are heavy and nervous. I can't see her like what? Her voice sounded so crackly, like she was hiding pain. I can't imagine the things he would do to her. And I can't imagine why he would do anything to her, she's the sweetest human you will ever meet.

Her voice is stamped into my brain. I just wish I could have heard what Jake said. I'll just call Claire and see if I can hear anything in her voice. I pick up my phone and dial Claire's number. The dial tone goes on forever before someone picks up.

"Hello?" I hear someone ask. And it's not Claire.

"Jake?" I ask.

"Yeah." He responds.

"Where's Claire?" I ask nervously.

"She's right here." He says calmly.

"Can I talk to her?" I ask.

"She can't talk right now, sorry man." Jake says, and I can tell he's about to hang up but I quickly but in.

"Please, I need to talk to her. Is she ok?" I beg.

"She can't talk right now." Jake says.

"I have to know if she's ok." I say nervously.

"Jake! Who is that?" I hear Claire ask.

"Sorry, Braden. I gotta go." Jake says and then he hangs up. Why wouldn't he just tell me if she's ok? Unless she's not ok. I need to see her. But I don't want to make things worse, it will kill me inside, but I'll give her space.

I hope she's ok.

Claire P.O.V.

"He can't see me like this!!!" I yell at Jake.

"He's really worried." Jake says.

"I'm a mess. Just, leave me alone please." I say with a river falling down my face. I am crying uncontrollably from my encounter with Dylan right after school. I am laying on my stomach on my bed with my face in a pillow. I then hear Jake talking to someone.

"Jake! Who is that?" I ask.

"Sorry, Braden. I gotta go." Jake says and I hear him place my phone down.

"Braden called?" I ask through a stuffy nose.

"Yeah, he's really worried about you." Jake says.

I let out a sob and try and pull myself together, I don't want him too worried. I sit up and take in a few deep breaths and go into my bathroom. My cheeks are tear stained and my eyes are puffy. I take a towel and wet it with cold water and wipe my cheeks and eyes off, hoping to get rid of the red tint. The tint is taken out but the puffiness remains, making me look stupid. I just try and keep my mind off of what everyone said. I said I would be fine with the reputation of the only girl who turned Dylan James down, but it looks like that's harder than it seems to deal with.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Jake asks standing in my bathroom doorway. I turn around and give him a straight faced look and we stay looking at each other in silence for multiple minutes. "You can go see Braden now. Your eyes aren't as puffy now, less noticeable." Jake says. I stand up straight and walk to my doorway, with Jake in it. I smile and give him a small hug, and he surprisingly wraps his arms around me in return for a short moment. We let go at the same time and I walk out of my room. I walk downstairs and my mom is standing by the door, just about to lock it.

"Hey mom." I say quietly. She looks up and sees me, she opens her arms and I fall into them. She comfortingly wraps them around me and just stays quiet while gently stroking my upper back. She lets go of me and cups my face in her hands.

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