Chapter 23: Family

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Claire's P.O.V. (Continued)

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to tell you that." He says while squeezing my hand gently.

"I didn't even know you felt like that." I say back, in shock that someone cares so much about me.

"I have for a long time, I just haven't had the right time to tell you." He says.

"This was the perfect time to tell me." I say, while looking into his eyes.

"Hey, so what were you gonna ask me in the car?" He asks.

"I was just wondering if you were serious about the whole going up to the mountains and stuff for your birthday." I say nervously.

"Why would you even ask that?" He asks.

"I've had experiences where people say things, but don't mean it. I was just wondering if you were serious." I say. I think tonight might be the night Braden learns about my past.

"What is up with that?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"When you were moving you said that you know what it's like to love someone and them leave, and now you're saying that you've had experiences where people don't mean what they say. What's the story behind that?" He asks. Yeah, I'm telling him. I take a deep breath and start my story.

"Jake and I are really close, you know that right?" I ask.

"Yeah, you two are the best." He says.

"Well, when I was little, my mom was always there for Jake and I. She always knew how to make us laugh, she always knew what to say to make us feel better, she was just always there. One day, when I was six, she wasn't there anymore. I don't even know why she left, she just wasn't there. I blamed myself, I thought that I was doing something wrong. But, I quickly pulled myself together because I knew Jake needed me. Jake was four when she left, so all he knew was that his mother wasn't there anymore.

I did what I had to do to raise him. I was the one who tied his shoes, picked out his outfits, and constantly played with him. I eventually had to ask my dad for help because we needed food. He said he would work on it, because he was always working. I was so hopeful that he would actually help us. And he never did. Jake and I turned to the only mother figure we had, my mom's best friend.

She gave us food, and actually cared for us. My dad found out and got really mad, I don't know why though. He shut us out and never cared about us. I don't know how but someone found out and took Jake and I away from my dad after spending a year with him, and put us in Foster care.

A year later someone adopted us, and they said they would love us and care for us. That was a lie. They beat me, and I took it twice as hard so Jake wouldn't have to. I was always the one to take care of Jake. I felt like he was my responsibility. I knew what I was doing when I was with you, because it happened to me.

When I was nine, the Foster care facility took us back. Melinda and Peter adopted us when I was ten.

So to hear that someone loves me is bitter sweet. Because I've spent my entire life caring for Jake, and I know that there's someone who can take care of me.

And my dad and my first Foster parents told me that they would take care of us, and they never did. So I'm kind of hasty when it comes to people telling me things." I say, tearing up.

"The story you told me on the day in Colorado, wasn't true?" he asks.

"No. What I just told you is the truth. I just didn't think I could trust you with that part of my life. I'm sorry I lied." I say, with a tear slipping down my face.

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