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When Criss was finally released his brothers weren't so convinced he was all right so they decided to keep an eye on him. Back at her studio Josephine was putting together a picture when a knock came to the door. She opened the door to find an officer standing there. "Mom he'll come around. We're keeping our eyes on him" JD said and hung up. JD looked up and saw Josephine on the phone when she hung up JD walked over.

"Hey Joe how's the show going?"he asked. "Rose loves it she offered me a store so I can sell my pictures but I'm not sure"she said. "If it's Criss-". "It's not that why don't we go get something to drink". They went to a coffee shop and sat down. "So what's wrong?". "I got a visit from an officer telling me that my ex boyfriend is being sent to jail for armed robbery" she stated. "Nice guy". "And child endangerment he took our son with him while he robbed a jewelary store"she added.

"How nice of him introduce his son to the world of crime" JD jokily stated which made Josephine chuckle. "Now because of this he's coming to live with me. I'm so scared now". "Why did your ex have him?"JD asked. "I never wanted to be a mother considering the way my birth mother raised me, but my son was an accident when I had him I just lost it I had a breakdown. When I got better I let my ex raise him and I'd pay child support. JD I'm scared that it might happen again" Josephine remarked as she started to cry.

JD got up and gave Josephine a hankie. "Josephine you're not alone I can help you I have a child and my wife is a nurse. If you need help give me a call maybe I can talk Costa into helping"JD suggested. "Thanks JD" hugging him than they heard an amblunce pull up. When they went up JD's phone rang. "JD we got a problem Criss didn't fill a prescription now he's septic with a fever of a hundred and four".

"Dam it just stay with him!!".  JD hung up and sat down ready to pull out his hair. "Criss did it again didn't he". "Instead of a knife to his heart he didn't fill a presciption and now he septic"JD replied. Josephine gave JD a hug as he started to cry.

WHO'S THAT GIRLTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon