Arriving At The Concert

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As you drove happily, all you could think of was Jimin, and getting to see him front and center.

~Time Skip~

As you queued up at the line, waiting to get in, you heard a voice screaming. You turned to see what it was.
"ALL VIP MEMBERS FOLLOW ME!" A man screamed, and you smiled. A few other fans made their way towards him, as did you.

You entered the place without harm, and made your way to the front seat. Everyone was on their phones, probably tweeting about it or something. But you were staring up at the stage, waiting.

It was a good thing you did, too, because it just so happened that a head popped out from behind the curtain. A head that you recognized to be Jimin's. You didn't scream, because you didn't want to make him uncomfortable. You stared at him, until his eyes met with yours. You looked down, blushing madly.

Park Jimin just looked at you! You were so happy. A couple minutes later, when you looked up, he was still staring. You blushed and showed a heart with your fingers. He smiled, putting one back up. You blushed harder, smiling. He smiled back, bowed politely, and retreated from the curtain.

You were already blushing madly, and the show hadn't even began. But you didn't care; You had already achieved your goal - To meet Park Jimin, face to face.

Finding Love At A Concert (Jimin X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now