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After half an hour of waiting, people began to chant the fan-chant. You joined in immediately, screaming the names of the members you loved oh so much.

Jimin's POV (Third person)
To say he was nervous was an understatement. Who was that girl that was staring at him? Why didn't she scream like all of the rest of the fans would? He thought it was very respectful of her, and smiled to himself thinking of her.
Jungkook approached him.

"Hyung, are you ready? Namjoon says we're on in 5. The fans are screaming chants. They know we're coming." He says, and Jimin nods.
"Alright, I'm done." He says, and follows Jimin. The members line up in their usual order.
Tae first, then Yoongi, then Seokjin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Jimin, and finally, Hoseok. Once the line is set, and the crew has put on the finishing touches, they walk out on stage.

Fans begin to scream.

Your POV (Second person)
When the famous group walked out on stage, you screamed loudly, and smiled. Your eyes immediately went to Jimin.

To your surprise, he was staring right back at you, with a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. You blushed immediately, and licked your lower lip whilst staring at him. He blushed, and smirked.

The songs soon began. Every time he would make a sexy smirk, lick his lips, put up a heart, or anything else, his eyes would always dart to you first.

Then came your favorite part of all of the songs; The hip thrusts. You loved Jimin's hip thrusts. They were so sexy. He got down on the ground, and thruster his hips upward, HARD. You had never seen him roll his hips so hard or fast before, and to say that it didn't turn you on was a lie.

When he stood up, he looked at you. Your eyes were swirling with lust and want, and he saw this. He licked his lips, making the audience scream. You included. The feeling below your waistline was uncomfortable, and you shifted in your seat. You were wet. When he looked at you, he knew.

Jimin's POV (First person)
When she shifted in her seat, I could tell I was doing a good job. She was getting wet for me. The look in her eyes told me she wanted me, and badly. That turned me on more, and made me happier.

When I saw her continue to stir in her seat, I knew what was going on down there. So when my part came up, I walked toward her. I bent down in front of her, and she gasped. I sang the part of "FAKE LOVE" to her, and she smiled at me. She mouthed a few words, though. "Please, Jimin." She said, and I knew what she wanted. I smiled at her, nodding. I licked my lips, and stood up. This was gonna be difficult if I wanted to remain cool on the stage.

Your POV(Second person)
When I mouthed those words, I could tell he was having quite a hard time controlling himself. I smiled, knowing I was doing well. The way he looked at me. Got so close to me. It was really hot, and I wanted him. Badly. I had to have him. If I didn't have him by the end of the night, I wouldn't leave without him.

Finding Love At A Concert (Jimin X Reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang