Taehyung Notices

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As the dancing continued, Jimin got very sweaty. It turned you on so much, because seeing him with sweat beads trailing down his curved body made you drool.

Once again, your fingers darted downwards. This time, they began to rub quickly, and Jimin only watched. He covered for you again, and you smiled.

Park Jimin's POV (First Person)
I don't know if she's purposely doing it to tease me, or if it's just too much for her to handle. Maybe it's a little bit of both. But to test it, I ran a hand through my sweaty hair, and bit my lip.

Her eyes widened, and I could see she was rubbing quicker and faster

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Her eyes widened, and I could see she was rubbing quicker and faster. She really WAS having a hard time. Damn. Of all of the fans I had met, or seen, none of them had ever been so outgoing as to physically please themselves right in front of all of us.

As we danced, I moved to the back where Tae was. He whispered something to me.
"Is that girl you keep going over to rubbing herself? Jesus!" He said, and I smiled.
"Yup, I uh...I think she is." I proudly stated, and he sighed.
"It's really hot. I think I like her too." He said. His mouth opened slightly.
"Well, then we'll both have to see which one of us can get her to come first." I said, and he smirked.
"I like that idea." He said, and we both walked up to our spots. Lucky for us, we both got a view of her.

Tae licked his lips while making direct eye contact with her. Her mouth fell open, and she stared at him. For a LONG time.
"Saranghae, Tae! Saranghae, Jimin!" She shouted, and we both smiled.
"Good, she loves us both." V said, and I rolled my eyes, chuckling.
"But you can take her. I see someone in the third row I have my eye on." He said, and I nodded. I looked to see where his eyes were, and they were on a girl that I thought was really not all that cute, but he had his interests, after all.
"So does that mean I win?" I said, and he nodded.
"Okay, okay, but you still haven't made her come." He said, and I smirked.
"Yes I have. I already did when I hip thrusted." Tae's mouth fell open at this, and I smiled proudly.
"Welp, okay, you win. Whatever." He said, and I smiled. She was mine.

Your POV (Second Person)
You could see Taehyung and Jimin talking. They were both staring at you, and Tae kept smirking. You didn't know what they had in store, but it seemed like whatever arguement they had, Jimin had won. You figured it out by the time he said the next two words to you.
"You're mine." He mouthed, and your stomach flipped.

You only smiled, hoping you weren't pushing it. After all, you had just met him an hour ago. He smiled, nodding and winking. The crowd went insane, and so did you. You smiled proudly at him.

Just one more song left. You wondered what song it was gonna be, but figured it out by the first beat. It was DNA, and Jungkook began to whistle. You couldn't help it. Tae, Jungkook, and Jimin were all hot. Jimin noticed you staring at Jungkook, and rolled his eyes, but it wasn't noticeable.

You turned back to Jimin, who was looking at you with anger and lust burning in his eyes.
"Mine." He mouthed, and you nodded.
"Sorry." You responded, and he just nodded.
Shit, you had blown it. But you didn't care. As DNA continued, you screamed the fan chant and the lyrics.

The song finally ended (With Jimin teasing you a few times), and they all bowed. Namjoon came up on stage, and spoke in English. He told everyone how he was very proud of the performance and his boys. You smiled.
You looked up at Jimin, who was panting like a dog and sweating. It turned you on A LOT.

"Jimin..." You said quietly. Since he was in front, he heard you and looked over to you.
You held up your VIP badge, and he smiled and nodded, getting the memo.

They all bowed once more, Jimin's sweat trailing down his face and neck. It was so hot, and you couldn't handle it for much longer. You NEEDED to meet him.

All of the fans screamed as they began to walk off stage. Jimin looked at you, and pointed backstage with his head. You nodded, smiling. They all waved, and the stage door closed.

The show was not over yet. Especially not for you and Jimin, that was for sure.

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