Chapter One - Moving In

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Your Point Of  View

"Yes, I know where to go he sent me the address yesterday. Also, I know where the new company is, they only manage me while I'm in Japan so don't worry." I say talking to Yuma over the phone.

"Ok, just promise to call me. You're the first Idol I ever managed and I feel really close to you" she says back. We continue talking for a while until I hear my doorbell go off. "I have to go Yuma. The taxi is here, I'll miss you" I say quickly hanging up before she cries and I have to hear it.

I use my Dark quirk to carry my suitcases downstairs. Opening the door I see a man in casual clothing. "Taxi for Miss (Your Name)" I nod and follow him outside. He picks up some of my bags and carries them while I carry the rest and we put them in the taxi.

"To the airport please," I say and he nods. He starts to drive.  I was currently in Cyprus.  I felt closer to home in Cyprus because it was the first place I ever came to in Europe. Some people say Cyprus isn't European, but I its civilians say it's Eastern European.

I'm going to miss it here.

~(παρακάμπτοντας το χρόνο)~
~(Bypassing the time)~

The taxi stopped and the man and I got out. He helped me get my bags out. I paid him and as I was about to walk away the man shouted back at me. "Excuse me, Miss, you are the Idol Aziz Vlahos, right? My daughter is a big fan. Can I please have an autograph?" I look at him and smile.

"Sure, give me a second" I reach into my bag and pull out a poster. I then get a glitter marker out and sign the poster and give it to the man. "Tell her I said Hello and thanks for supporting me" I smile and turn back to go to the airport.

I walk around the airport for an hour until it was time to board. I was flying first class so I got to board first. I decided since I had time and I had to finish the work I would finish signing the posters I had.

Taking them out my bag and getting the marker again I start to write my signature on them until we start to move; I only managed to get halfway through them, and not wanting to make a mistake when the plane moves I put them away.

I look out my window to see the country I love so much become much much smaller. 12 hours left on this flight.

~(παρακάμπτοντας το χρόνο)~
~(Bypassing the time)~

I feel the wheels of the plane touch the ground. I smile as the plane came to a stop a minute later. I take my seatbelt off and stand up. I begin to leave the plain, after grabbing my own hand luggage that is.

I smile as I step off the plane and walk towards the various amounts of security. It was done quickly and I smile going to get my 3 suitcases from the line. It takes a while but after a while, I managed to grab them and walk to the area people go to get picked up.

I wait a while looking for a sign with my name on it until I finally see my name on a board at the back of a crowd. Smiling I take my luggage and walk past the crowd until I see a mist man and a man with a hand on his face.

"Hello, I am (Your Name) (Your Last Name) it's nice to meet you," I say and bow slightly.  The handyman came towards me and bowed. "I am your Fathers brother Tomura Shigaraki, this is my companion and business partner  Kurogiri." I smile at them and nodded.

"I had recently bought a new apartment since I didn't have enough space in my one.  We also live with a few other individuals names Toga Himiko, Dabi, Jin Bubaigawara, and Sako Atsuhiro. Toga should be around your age so I'm sure you'll be good friends" Uncle Tomura then looked at Kurogiri and a portal opened next to him.

"Please follow me," Kurogiri says as he walks through the portal. I follow him knowing I could trust him. Once we arrive through the portal we are at an entrance. I take my shoes off at the door and put them to a side. Kurogiri then walks off leaving me and Tomura.

"Follow me and I'll show you your room" I quickly nod and follow him. We turn a corner to a passage of doors. We stop at one at the end and he opens the door.  The room has a Black carpet and (Favourite Colour) walls. My bed was (Favourite Colour) and Black. In the room was also a closet, a desk, a 3D Tv, and a few bookshelves.

"Thank you Uncle Tomura" I bow to him. I get the rest of the suitcases in the room. "You hurry up and unpack and I'll send Dabi to get you when dinner is ready" I nod as he quickly closes the door as he leaves.

I walk towards the bed and then jump on it, landing on my back. Placing one arm over my eyes and the other on my chest.  "New start. Same me." Smiling I stood up and look at my packed bags. "They won't unpack themselves" dragging the suitcases to the centre of the room and opening them all.

I look at my clothes and take them out the case, walking over to the closet I grab some hangers and hang the clothes up. It took a while but I was pleased when they were in order by colour.

After all my clothes had been put away I had 2 empty suitcases on my floor which I then packed under my bed neatly. The only thing I had left was decorations such as family albums, books, manga and framed photos of me and my of friends along with one of me and my extended family; Uncle Tomura not being in the picture.

I placed my books and albums on an empty row on the bookshelves, and the framed photos went on the desk or the nightstands, where ever there was room. My new room was complete, it was perfect.

I go back and lay on my bed and sigh grabbing my phone. I unlock it and go to my social media. There was news all over that I had moved to Japan and I couldn't help but sweatdrop. I then go to my Twitter and uploaded a selfie saying I was in Japan.

I also look at some other posts and a few Japanese idols tagged me in their posts saying their happy to have me there.

I also look at some other posts and a few Japanese idols tagged me in their posts saying their happy to have me there

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Smiling I scroll through Twitter for a while before hearing a knock at the door. I turn my phone off and put it in my pocket and open the door. I saw a man who I assumed was Dabi.

Dabi is a fairly tall and slim young man and looked to be in his twenties. He has dark, spiky hair and crystal blue eyes. His most striking feature is his patchwork face and the major sections of his body that are detailed with sections of skin that are purple coloured and deeply wrinkled. Though I think he suited it.

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