Chapter Twenty-Four - Arguments

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Your Point of View

"You and your dad are the only heroes I won't accept no matter what!" They both try to attack again but again cancel each other out. I quickly take my wings and push off the ground to fly and manage to only hurt my wing a little. I then realise the fire is going towards Shindo and he won't be able to dodge. Even if I send a wall it will break through. I spread my wings before flapping them down and speeding towards Shindo reaching him in time to get him out the way. Izuku then grabbed him and I smiled knowing he was safe, but the smile only lasted a while as I then felt burning on my back and I started screaming.

It was burning me I could feel the blistering already as the flames hit my back and my wings. I know my feathered wings were burnt to a crisp because I suddenly felt ten times lighter. The burning stopped and all I can feel is the burning sensation and my body hitting the floor. "(Your Name)!" Izuku shouts. I weakly opened my eyes and smile letting him know I'm alive. He then looks at the arguing duo. "What... are you doing?!" I hear Izu shout again. "First, I'll take care of the wind that's in my way!" I supply a light shield for him but Gang orcas attach goes through it. I slowly stand up to see Inasa fall. The burning pain was all over my body and my wings are basically skeletons now. I can't get to him in time if I don't move now. Orca then grabbed Shoto by the throat. "You reap what you sow." Orca uses his quirk on Shoto and makes him unable to move. Inasa had also hit the ground probably unable to move.

The minions run towards me but then straight past me as I collapse again. "While the boss is at it, let's go mess up the evacuation shelter!" As they pass I get up again and walk towards Orca. He ignored me as I try to pull his hands of Shoto but he didn't budge. "Let go," I say meekly but he only looks at me to look back at Shoto a second later. His hands then start to crack. I use my dark side of my quirk, more specifically I'm copying Tomura's quick. "Just because I'm injured it doesn't mean you can ignore me," I say as i swing my hand to his chest. He quickly dodges before pushing me back making me fall on my blistered back. I get back up and start running again. He puts Shoto down and hits me again and I fly back into rubble. I opened my eyes to see him walking away.

"Inasa... Shoto" I call weakly to them. "Get up... please," I say before closing my eyes unable to move my body anymore, yet I still feel the fairies I sent out helping people so u smile knowing I'm still at least helping a little. I'm completely aware what's happening around me as I feel a warm breezing telling me that they are working together. At least they are working together now. I hear the minions questioning what to do. "Smash!" hearing Izuku's voice made me feel relaxed, I knew that everything was going to be fine, and if Izu was here so was everyone else, or they would be arriving. I opened my eyes slightly seeing that Gang Orca was dried out. I then hear the alarms signalling that the exam is over. He speakers then turn on and an announcement starts.

"Um, at this moment, all the H.U.C who were deployed have been rescued from the danger zone. It may seem arbitrary, but with this, all the provisional licensing exams procedures have been completed. After we tally the scores, we will announce the results here. Those who are injured should go to the infirmary." I sigh knowing I wouldn't be able to get there by myself since I can't move. Now the adrenaline is gone it in more pain than before and can hardly move. "The rest of you should change and then standby."

~(παρακάμπτοντας το χρόνο)~
~(Bypassing the time)~

My wings were bandaged up, it takes me about a week to fully regenerate my wings by myself so with the medication it should be done faster. My body was also wrapped up compressing the burning, my back was pretty much useless right now and I'm currently in a wheelchair which I should be out of within the next week depending in my healing time. Apart from that I felt much better and was currently in front of the stage awaiting the exam results and hoping that I had done enough to pass.

"Okay... Everyone, thanks for all your hard work. Now, I will announce the results, but before that, I will tell you about the scoring system. Between those of us at the Heroes Public Safety Commission and H.U.C, we had a two-fold demerit system we used while watching you. In other words, we were evaluating you on this few mistakes you made in a crisis situation. Anyways, the names of those who passed are listed in syllabary order. Please check the list keeping those words in mind." I cross my fingers hoping I'm in the board. I read through from them but don't see my name. I began to panic as I check everywhere and then see '(Your Name) (Your Last Name)' I smile as I see it and knew I had passed the exam. "I got my licence," I say to myself and look around for Mum. I see him smile at me and I stick my thumbs up at him. I see him go on his phone and begin typing. He must be texting Dad. Once in healed and can walk again and move and fly I'm going to try my hardest to become the best hero, just so he will smile at me like that again showing that he is proud.

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