Chapter Twenty-One - Start

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Your Point Of View

"Hey, change into your costumes and go to the orientation. Don't waste time." "Yes, Sir" we respond and start walking to the changing rooms. "Could it be...? You didn't tell them, Eraser?" I hear more say and I smirk. Mum walks past me and I go to Joke. "Excuse me, your talking about how they already know our quirks aren't you, the thing is I did my research too since I'm only new they won't know my quirk so that my trump card, meanwhile I know their weaknesses and they know mine. I'm the only one that knows as of now but Izuku is already finding out. So don't worry about what you taught your students. I can smell that ambush miles away, and soon so will they." I say my face covered in shadows until it shines again. "Have a good day!" I smirk and run away to catch up.

Once changed we go to a room crowded with people. Along the way, I did end up meeting a few fans but apart from that everything seems normal. Then a rather tired man came onto the stage, he reminded me of Aizawa if he didn't care as much. "Well then, let's so that provisional license thing. I'm Mera from the heroes public safety commission. The kind of sleep I like is non-REM sleep, nice to meet you. I've been so busy that I haven't gotten much sleep, were too short-staffed. I'm so sleepy! With that conviction, I will give you the orientation." He swayed around his desk for a bit then getting up to rest in his hand. "He's next to dead" I whisper lowly so no one heard me.

"About the content of the provisional license thing, frankly, all 1,541 examiners here will have to win through a free-for-all exercise! Our society is currently said to be saturated with heroes, and ever since Stain was arrested, many have doubts about the current state of heroes. Well, as a private citizen, no matter what the motivation, to tell someone risking their lives to save others not to seek any reward is... its the ruthless story of these modern times. But anyways, whether it's for compensation or for loyalty and courage the result of many heroes working hard together to help people and defeat villains its that right now, the time from when an incident begins to when it is resolved is so short it makes you sick. You all are about to receive your provisional licenses and finally throw yourselves into those rapids. Those who can't keep up with that speed will frankly have it tough. Accordingly, what you'll be tested on is speed! The first hundred to fulfil the requirements will pass."

I stand there now realising that the majority of us will not get their license. Since it's about the speed we will have to be fast to secure a spot but it won't help since nearly everyone will be trying to get us. I clench my hand and look at it. I have a few ultimate moves that can do it would be easier to get the fairies to dicthe work whilst balls are being thrown at us in the start. I start tuning into the people around me. "This means, less than 1% will actually pass" I hear Tsu. "I need to be in that 1% if my plan works I fine" I whisper go myself again and smile. "Well, a lot happened out there in the world, and you know, about luck and everything. So anyway, here are the requirements. The examiner put three of these targets on his or her body. They can go anywhere as long as it's an exposed area. You can't put them on the files of your feet or in your armpits. You will also have six of these balls. The targets made to only light up if they are hit by these balls, and if all of your targets light up, then you're out. The person who lights up your third target will have it count as their defeat. You get through this round by defeating two people. That's it for the rules."

I smile knowing I only have to hit three targets on two people. It should be easy enough. I hope. "Okay then, after we open, well as out the targets and balls, and then well have one minute after we've gotten to everyone." Re room starts to rumble and the ceiling starts to open revealing a large amount of light since we are now outside in the open. I smile as I see all the places offered, I'll stick with the glass, no doubt Bakugo will run off and so will Todoroki, they either already know or are really arrogant. I look around and see seating surrounding us and see Mum and I only to see joke sitting a few seats away from him. The other schools then ran off, Izuku had said we should stick together but like I said Bakugo and Todoroki ran off with Kirishima following Bakugo. We then start moving and I'm running next to Izuku, he started explaining that everyone already knew our quirks. "Finally you realised, because of the sports festival I know your strength and weaknesses and anything you have hidden, I've also been observing you and knew you would find out Izuku," I said and smiled. "No one in another school knows my quirk so I should be fine, you all need to make sure you aren't left open. A buzzer then goes to "The first test, start!"

A Bunch if other schools start jumping out from the mountain we headed to, smiling I activate my quirk sending six fairies to get targets, I smile knowing it might take a while but it will happen since they can also use my quirk and are using light shadow to move around, an ultimate move I made where I can turn myself invisible using the light quirk I have. "I saw it on TV! The superpower that also destroys yourself! Well, if a nail sticks out, then you've gotta hammer it down!" The balls are then thrown at us. I giggle walking into the balls I hold my hand out and a see-through dark purple barrier appeared.

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I shield myself and smile as I made myself untouchable for now. The balls kept falling but everyone usable to dodge them in some way shape or form.

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