Chapter Twenty-Two - Sorry

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Your Point Of View

After the waves of balls ended some Aizawa looking kid ended up throwing balls underground. "Where in the world are they?!" I spread my wings and hover above the ground looking for where the ball would appear. Jiro then runs towards Izu. "Get back! I'll take this! Sound Amplification Amplifier Jack Heartbeat Distortion!" The ground in front of us then breaks causing the balls to rise up. "They're coming for me!" Mineta yelled in panic for Mina to spray her acid and get rid of the balls melting them.

Shindo then touches the floor and screams "Break Maximum Force! Tremoring Earth!" I quickly spread my wings as rocks start flying everywhere and the ground collapses. I start flying but a flying but of debris hit one of my wings harshly and u fell down landing on the wing in pain and hearing a snap as pain shot through to my back, I now realise I had broken my wing. I stand up and fold my wing in my back I should still be able to fly but not as well as before and I will be slanted meaning I need to put more pressure on the wing. I start walking around and try to look for people. After walking around I see Izuku and Ochaco under attack. Ocha falls but Izuku catches her, that's not Ochaco. As they run away, I grab a ball and smile. Walking into their view I laugh they turn to look at me.

"I'm bored now and my wing hurts when you see Shindo tell him I'm looking for him please." I smile at them. I click my fingers and before they know it the six fairies I sent out before putting the balls on the targets of both the men in front of me. My targets then turn blue and I smile. "Please make your way to the waiting room" I nod and start walking there u know I wasn't the first done but from the announcements, I guess I was one of the first 20 to finish. I made my way to the room and open my phone walking inside a see a table with food on it. I see a slice of (Favourite Cake) calling for me picking the cake up I do and sit after grabbing a fork, I'm in public and have a reputation to uphold.

Time passed and I was now on my 5th slice of cake and I also had some tea. The door opened again and I see Todoroki. I smile and wave over to him. He comes and sits next to me. "Hello, what took you so long, Aizawa said you have come into contact with people 15 minutes ago?" I ask him. "They were trickier than expected" I nod as I finish the cake. "Are the others here yet?" I shake my head. "We all got split up by Shindo, I only passed because at the start I sent my fairies out. The others should all be grouped by now though, they should pass soon." I take a dip out if my tea putting it back down in the saucer. "I had expected you to eat cake like a hand food and not with cutlery." He says and I giggle. "To me, Cake is a hand food but if in public I'm Aziz and not (Your Name) so I have a reputation to uphold. I have to be perfect in every situation. But you should already know that coming from the family you have." He nods grabbing my plate and walking away only to return with more cake and I smile thanking him and I grab the teapot and a cup pouring him tea. "Sugar and milk? One or none?" u ask him. "Both please" I nod and put the sugar in first because people who put milk in first are villains and deserve to die. I hand him his tea and we continue having a small conversation.

After a while we started to worry about the others. I then look up and see Tsu, Shoji, Momo and Jiro. I smile and wave at them to join us. "Todoroki, (Your Name), you passed!" Mom says happily as I drink my tenth cup of tea. "Didn't expect any less." I smile at Tsu offering them cake which they all decline. "What about the others?" "They haven't come yet. (Your Name) was first, then me, and then you all." I look over and see Shoji standing "I see. They're not here yet, huh?" "I'm guessing you got split up together?" They not "well at least your fine. Bakugo, Kirishima and Kaminari must be together still.

Taking the last piece of cake and placing it in my mouth I smile before leaning back, before I know it I'm dozing off to sleep and then it's pitch back and I feel someone pull me onto their shoulder before I can't see it feel anything.

~(παρακάμπτοντας το χρόνο)~
~(Bypassing the time)~

I wake up to flashing in my eyes. As I slowly open them I see some of my classmates and a few other people gathered around me and Todoroki. I rub my eyes and smile. "Good afternoon," I say as a bunch of boys now surround me. "Hey, you're the new idol that transferred to Japan a while ago. Can I please have your autograph?" I laugh and nod. Taking out a pen he hands me a journal like a book which I sign the front page of with 'Thank you for your support - Aziz' and a small cat at the end. Turns out I had a lot of fans in Japan and I ended up signing many things until the first test was passed and I find out my full class passed.

I look up and see Shindo. "Hi Shindo, did you get the message from the people in your class?" I ask him and he nodded. I smile and tell him to sit. "When you look at my wings what do you see?" I smile at him. "One has an unhealthy looking lump in it." I smile and nod. "Yes, my wing is broken, it wasn't before your little tremor. You should be careful if I was a bystander and was behind a villain you were attacking in front if me things could have turned out differently so be careful!" I say in a motherly tone as if she was telling her son of the bit wasn't angry at him and was just correcting him for the future. He simply nodded and opened his mouth about to say something but I cut him off. "Its okay I accept your apology, and yes, you can have my phone number," u say smirking sliding him a piece of paper.

I get up and walk towards Bakugo. "Hi, when did you get back?" I smile at him. "When your lazy ass was sleeping, have you eaten today? I giggle and nod. I held my fingers you showing the number seven. "Seven slices if cake and about 12 cups are tea" Shoto can confirm I was eating. I smile and hug his arm so he's close to me. "Get off my arm" I see a red tint on his face which soon disappeared after the speaker went off again.

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