Chapter Nine - It's Starts

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Your Point Of View

We woke up early again and trained hard. Everyone was doing the same things as yesterday apart from me. Aizawa had told Momo to make small rocks of metal instead of her little dolls. He then kept throwing the metal rocks at me for me to ever touch and destroy them or burn them. It was getting really boring but he kept increasing the speed at which he through them. Everyone has tried apart from me. I went to sleep straight away at 10:30 pm so I would be awake and ready for the day.

Everyone looked on the near of collapse apart from me, Bakugo and Todoroki. Then Pixie-bob started laughing her weird but kinda cute laugh. "More importantly, everyone, tonight... well, have a test of courage with the classes put against each other! After training hard, you can play hard! The carrot and the stick!" as she finished speaking everyone started sweatdropping.

~(παρακάμπτοντας το χρόνο)~
~(Bypassing the time)~

It was finally Dinner again and Bakugo was with the knife again. I started by heating up the pots and then decided to make fairy to cut the vegetables into perfect pieces. Meaning I did not work. Izuku and Todoroki then start talking about something but then I hear one word and knew what it was about. Kota.

We all began eating again. Dinner was good today but I decided to pass on the meal saying I wasn't feeling very well. I realised after eating the pizza when I was home alone I gained weight so I wanted to stop eating as much. But I would still sit at the side and watch.

Then before I knew it it was time for the trial. Mina was really excited about it, the same for Denki, Sero, Sato and Eijiro. Until Aizawa dragged them off to have classes with Vlad King.

"Okay, so Class B will be the first to be the scarers. Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your names written on them in the middle of the route, so bring them back with you." Pixie-Bob says. I then look at Tokoyami "Revelry in the dark..." he said ominously. Which Ochaco just nervously smiled at him.

"Those being the scarers aren't allowed to make direct contact. Show us how scary you are with your Quirks," she says again. "The class that makes the most people piss their pants will creativity and imagination win!" Tiger yells. Everyone then gets a piece of paper to see who's team they are on. It turned out Izuku was on his own so I walk up to him. "Sorry Izuku is should have been with you," I say feeling guilty which he just waves his arms in front of him. "If you're not feeling well you need to rest, so don't worry about it." I then nod and go back to where I was standing.

After a while, it was Ochaco and Asui's go. I bid them good luck and off they went. I look into the forest and keep hearing screams.  I then sniff up smelling burning.  Everyone else noticed as well. My stomach then growled and I see blue flames. I look at my hand and summon a flame and realise it's not my flames because mine is pitch black. I quickly panic before realising that Kota isn't here. I then run towards the place the others are having classes.

Once I get there I see Mr Aizawa outside. I quickly run towards him. "Villians are attacking," I say panicked. "Pixie-bob is down," I say rushing. He then nodded and stared at the sky. "Is your worry taking precedence, Eraser?" I hear a voice and then see a hand reach out to his face. I quickly look to see who it was and realise it was Dabi. "Vla--" Aizawa tried to say before being cut off by a blue flame. "MR AIZAWA!" I yell. "Don't get in my way, Pro Hero. You to (Your Name)."

"DABI WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He then ignored me and continued looking at Aizawa. "DABI ANSWER ME!" once the smoke cleared I saw Aizawa hanging by just scarf. "Well, I guess you are a pro, after all," Dabi says as he aims his hand again towards Aizawa. "Nothing's gonna come out." Aizawa then shoots his scarf around Dabi and pulls him towards his knee, smashing his head of Aizawa's knee cap. "Tell me your purpose, number, positions and why does (Your Name) know you?"

Dabi struggled under him groaning. "Why?" "Because otherwise, this will happen," Aizawa says bringing Dabi's arm back and breaks it. I can see Dabi's eyes widen "Your right arms next. Let's do this logically. If we get to your legs, it'll be annoying to transport you." Aizawa says threatening him. "Are you in a hurry, Eraser?" as he says that he makes a blue flame only to be stopped by Aizawa breaking his other arm.

"Whats that?" I say quickly as Aizawa and I look up to see a cloud of smoke and a loud rumble. Speaking of rumble my stomach went off again. "Mr Aizawa!" I then see Iida, Koda, Mineta and Oijiro panting at the forest entrance. "You Guys," Aizawa says losing his concentration as Dabi flings him off of him.

"As expected of a UA teacher. Hey, hero. Are your students important?" Dabi then splits in half as a goo as Aizawa pulled his scarf towards him and my eyes widen. "That's not his Quirk!" I yell at him. I think for a moment before realising "Jin!" I say out loud and look around not seeing him. I summon two fairies and tell them to go find the real Dabi and Jin.

The boys run over to Aizawa as I start looking in the bushes for the duo that tricked us. "Get inside! I'll be right back! (Your Name) follow me now!" he yelled as he ran off. I quickly summon my wings and fly after him. As we kept running he saw Midoriya and Kota. Izuku calls us over and we stop to face him. "Midori--" Aizawa starts but one he sees the state Izu is in the stops.

"Mr Aizawa, I'm glad... It's terrible! There are a ton of things I need to tell you. First, there's something I need to tell Mandalay... Please take care or Kota! He has a water Quirk. You have to protect him! Please." Izuku then runs away leaving Kota with us. Aizawa calls after him and he stops. "Those injuries... You did it again, didn't you? Did you forget what happened in Hosu? So tell Mandalay this... they are allowed to use their quirks to fight back. Only if needed!" Izuku nods before running away again. I grab Kota and leave him in my arms and start flying again.

"Who was that Villian and why did you know him?" I then sigh. "His name is Dabi. I don't think it's his real name but it's what Uncle Tomura said he was called. He lives with me and my Uncle in the apartment. Dabi's quirk is the blue flames you saw but the other quirk was a guy named Jin Bubaigawara with a quirk called double. With Double, Jin can create replicas that can serve as useful distractions or support in combat. Clones of people possess the same personality and abilities as the original, making it hard to distinguish them from the real person at a first glance. We lived with Jin as well along with a girl named Toga, she acted like the cutest person ever but after seeing them here I think she's here as well."

I try to think for a minute and try to remember her quirk. "Toga's quirk is transformed, her Quirk is able to give it's her the full ability to replicate another person's appearance to a perfect image of the person they are copying. The Quirk also is able to copy tiny details, and also replicate their voice. But she needs that person blood. I also like with Kurogiri who makes warp gates. He looks like a black mist guy. Then Uncle Tomura if he touches something with all his figures it breaks some of my dark quirk is like that. Then we live with Sako but I don't know his quirk. He likes to entertain though so that could help." I say giving information on my new family. If I had known they were villains I would have stayed away from them.

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