Chapter Twenty-Five - Halfway to becoming a hero

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Your Point Of View

I smile as the rest of the class begins findings their names on the board. I then see Bakugo in shock. He didn't get him, but he must have helped a lot of people since he wasn't fighting. I then realised it was originally the way he talked to the H.U.C. Inasa also didn't pass, I look down knowing why, this also means Shoto didn't pass. I look at him before looking down, I was right he wasn't on the board. "Todoroki!" Inasa then walks to him and then does his now where his head hits the floor. "Sorry! It's my fault you didn't pass! It's because I was too narrow-minded! I'm sorry!" "I started it in the first place. Don't worry about it." "But--" "There were things I realized thanks to you confronting me directly, too." I smile as they make up. I wheel myself over to them. "You live and forget! Let this be a lesson to you both!" I chuckle softly.

"Um, next we will pass out your results. They will have the breakdown if your scores, so please look over them carefully. The cutoff score was 50 points. We scored based on a demerit system. You can see how many points were taken off for which actions all listed out on the printouts." I look at the sheet of paper I was handed. I got 98. Only 2 points were taken off. I look for the reasoning but only to find that I didn't stick with a group at the start. "Um, for those of you who passed, from now on, during emergency situations only, you may exercise authority the same way as that if pro heroes. In other words, fighting villains, saving people from criminal acts or accidents-- you may act on your own judgement in these cases without the direction of a hero.

However, this means that each and every one of your actions carries with it a responsibility towards society. I'm sure you all know the great hero, All Might, has used up all of his power. His existence played a large part in a suppressing crime. With that deterrent gone, impudent people will definitely appear. The balance will be destroyed, and as the world changes greatly, you young people will someday become the centre of society. Next, you all must become exemplary heroes and become great enough to suppress crime yourselves.

This time, all you have received is your provisional license to perform hero activities. I would like to think of yourselves as a fledgeling and be even more diligent in your studies at your respective schools. And for those of you who didn't pass-- There is no time for you to feel dejected that you didn't have enough points. There is still a chance for you all. After you attend a 3 month long special course and pass an individual test, we plan to issue a provisional license to you all, as well. In order to deal with this 'future' that I just spoke of, we need as many good heroes as we can get. The first test was to weed people out, but we would like to grow the hundreds selected in that test as much as possible. That's why we watched all if you until the end. As a result, we saw that it wasn't that you didn't have promise. Rather, once your inadequacies are corrected, all of you have the potential to be even greater than those who passed. I think it will keep you pretty busy doing this concurrently with your studies, and you may also choose to retake the exam in April instead"

~(παρακάμπτοντας το χρόνο)~
~(Bypassing the time)~

Mum was wheeling me towards the busses. Everyone was happy about passing their licence but I just couldn't wait to recover and get out of this wheelchair. Joke walked over to us. "Since we've got this chance, do you want to do a joint practice sometime?" she asked. I looked at him and nod. "Yeah, that might be good." I wheeled myself to the rest of the class and join in the conversation, Izu was happy and crying.

"Hey! Hey! Todoroki, ill see you at the special course! But you know, honestly, I still don't like you! I'll apologize in advance! Sorry! That's all!" I laugh and wave him goodbye. Mum walks over to us and begins pushing me towards the bus. "Is dad proud?" I ask him. "Yagi said he was proud and that he's buying you (Favorite Flavor) ice cream when we get to the dorms." I smile and nod. "You're coming with us right?" he nods. "Yay!". I get on the bus and my wheelchair gets stuck in place and a belt placed around me to keep me in place. Everyone gets on the bus and Shoto sits next to me. "I'm sorry for hurting you (Your Name) if there's anything I can to please tell me" "Shoto its ok really, but next time don't fight with Inasa. Also, I like your eyes just because Inasa says they look like your dads they don't. There pretty" I say smiling at him and we have a small conversation all the way back to the dorms.

~(παρακάμπτοντας το χρόνο)~
~(Bypassing the time)~

"We've got regular classed starting tomorrow, huh? There is no rest for heroes." I smile as we talk about school and heroing. "It's getting late let's head to bed, we have to be up early tomorrow," I said yawning. "Yea, let's go" I begin to wheel myself until I feel someone grab and start pushing me. I see Todoroki and smile. He pushes me to my room and lays me in my bed carefully. "I know you said it was ok, but I can at least do this for you," he says passing me a stuffed bear half my high. "Thank you Shoto, I appreciate it." he nodded before putting the wheelchair to a side and leaving. "Goodnight Todo, thank you for the bear" "Goodnight (Your Name), I'll get you in the morning." I then drift off into a dreamless sleep.

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