Chapter Fourteenth - Final Fight

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Your Point of View

I look at him anger clear on my face. I send a small beam at him which he stepped forward to dodge. "I'm a little conflicted, the trust in heroes that Tomura steadily chipped away at... I wonder if its okay for me to land the decisive blow. But you know, All Might,  as much as you hate me, I hate you the same way. I killed your master, but you took away the things I build up, too, right? That's why I want you to die the ugliest and most gruesome death possible!"

I knew he did it! "A big one coming. Dodge it and counterattack!" "Is it enough to just dodge? I will steal away the things you protected until now." he then sent a blast towards us blowing me away slightly. All Might then downgraded to a small skinny man. "First, your self-respect you kept even with your injury. Show the world your pathetic form 'Symbol of Peace'. Hollow cheeks and sunken eyes! What pathetic 'top hero'! Don't be embarrassed! It's your true form--the real you--isn't it? I see." 

"Even if my body rots and grows weak... Even if you try to expose that form... my heart will remain that of the symbol of peace! It is not something that you can steal even a single piece of!" he says as his hands glow with the power but blood trickled down his face. "Wonderful. I give up. I'd forgotten what a stubborn and naughty child you were. Then perhaps this will not hinder your heart at all either: You know Tomura Shigaraki is Nana Shimura's grandson! And (Your Name) (Your Last Name) is Nana Shimura's great-granddaughter!"


His expression turned to a frown. "I kept thinking about what you would hate the most. I created chances for you and Tomura to meet. You defeated him, right? You smiled so proudly when you won, not knowing a thing." All Might look at me as I looked down. "Lies" "Its the truth. You realize it, don't you? That it's something I would do. Oh, that's strange, All Might. Where's your smile?" "You... bastard..."

"This really is fun! Maybe I was able to steal a piece, huh?" "He's a relative of my master! What have I done...?!" All Might screamed. "Don't... Lose..." we heard a small voice. I look towards the rubble and see a hand. "All Might... Please" she said, the weak woman tried to tell him not to stop fighting. "Help!" "All Might you can win, fight!" I scream at him. "A hero has a lot to protect, All for One. That's why I won't lose!" his smile returning to his face. A yellow glow coming from his hand and he pulled it back and kept it there.

All for One then flew into the sky. "All your might... that was the last of it, wasn't it, All Might? A wounded hero is the most frightening. I see the image of your face as you come after me with your huts strewn around in my dreams sometimes even now. I should watch for two or three swings, huh?" Flames then block All For One's attack. "What is that form of yours, All Might?!" Endeavour screamed. "Looks like we made it in time, somehow. He knew it would turn out like this..." "Oh? Even though they were all mid-rangers, I didn't think you'd be able to suppress them so soon. As expected of the man who climbed his way to the number two spot."

I smile knowing help was here. I walk across the battleground to the lady and help her stand up. "It should be ok now." "Thank you, may I ask your a hero aren't you why haven't I seen you on the news?" I laugh a little bit at her question. "I'm no hero, a student training to be a hero. But I've been on the news the start of this week. I'm an Idol" I smile at her and she nodded. I got her to safety before continuing to watch. I'll the other heroes started showing up and helping. I smile now as I know we are truly safe.

With the rest of my adrenaline gone I finally collapse, smiling. I just look. Explosions brushing everyone to the side, yet I'm in the same place. My wings protecting me. "in order to kill you for sure. I will punch you with the ultimate combination of Quirks that I have right now!" All might pulls his arm back one more. " I am fondly certain after exchanging blows with you, All Might, One for All no longer dwells inside you. What you are using now are the lingering dregs, the embers left after you passed it on. And the fire becomes weaker each time you use it. A feeble light that will go out without even being blown on, Izuku Midoriya! He's the one you passed One For All on to, isn't he? He came without any qualifications, it's as if you have no control over him at all. You can die full of regrets, All Might. Even as a teacher, it's your loss!"

They now both charge at each other punches ready until they got each other, another explosion is an after effect. Smoke filling the air. "Impact Nullification!" Blood spits out of All Mights arm. Yet he continues to fight. "How unsightly" All Might is sent back a little but goes straight back into the punch as if he hadn't stopped. "It's not because I'm a symbol. Like my master did for me, until I finish training him. Until then--"

"For you to resist so much in such an unsightly way, I miscalculated" I smile as All Might continues fighting and getting hits on him. "Farewell All for One," he says before putting a finishing blow on him. I stand up and run to him and hugging his back. "You did great, thank you. I'm so so sorry."

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