Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Big Three

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(Your Name)'s Point of View

I sit in class just staring at the front of the room doing nothing. Class was about to begin soon but because of my injuries I can't do anything practical. Izuku was finally back in classes but Bakugo still wasn't here. Mum walked into class and stood at the front. He seems a bit more tired today than normal, probably because I woke him up.

"Now that Midoriya is back, we'll go into more detail about the work studies. Please come in." He says turning to the door. We all look to the door as it opens and reveals three people. "We'll have people who experienced it first hand tell you about how these are different from internships. The three third years at U.A. who stand at the top of all current U.A students-- Also known as the Big Three."

They stood at the front two of them were smiling and there was one who looked really really out of his comfort zone. "The Big Three'' Mina cheers happily smiling at them. "The crown among the splendid U.A students..." Iida says staring in awe. "The ones closest to pro heroes among us..." "I heard that they're the ones we're supposed to be like..." "There's someone really pretty, too... They don't seem like it." I hear others whisper from around the room as Mineta starts drooling on his desk.

They dont look like anything special but then again looks can be deceiving, I should know that more than anyone, then again Tomura didn't exactly look like the sanest of people. "Okay, can you please introduce yourselves briefly? Let's start with Amajiki." The boy closest to the door then gives us an intense stare. "It's no good... Mirio, Hado..." He was shaking.

"Even if I look on them imagining that they're potatoes, everything other than their heads remains human. I still can't see them as anything but human. What should I do? I can't... Say anything... My mind's... blank... I can't... I want to go home...!" He says turning around to face the wall. "Um, you are the top of U.A.'s hero course, right?" Ojiro asked, a bit unsure.

"Oh, listen, Amajiki! That's called having the heart of a flea! Even though you're human! It's so strange! This is the flea, Tamaki Amajiki. And then, I'm Nejire Hado. We were asked to talk to you guys about work studies. But wait... Hey, hey, why are you wearing a mask? Are you sick? Trying to look cool?" She asked Shoji. "This is because in the past..." "Oh, my! You must be Todoroki, right? Right?" She quickly moves on from Shoji.

"How did you get burned right there?" She asked. She's not the most delicate of people is she. "That's..." "Ashido, if your horns break off, will new ones grow in? Can you move them? Well?" She asked moving on once again. Mina touches them and then Nejire looks to Mineta. "Mineta, are those balls of yours hair? How do you get a haircut?"

She is really hyperactive, I Look to Mum and he seems to be annoyed. "Asui, You're a tree frog--not a toad, right? [Last Name], how do your wings work, do they come out of your back or do they just magically appear? There's so much I want to know about all of you! It's so strange." She says smiling at all of us. "She's got the natural airhead thing going! It's cute." Denki smiles "She's like a kindergartener..." "She wants to know about my balls? Wait a minute, that's sexual harassment, you know!" Mineta says flushed.

"Of course you know all about sexual harassment don't you." I say disgusted at him. "Hey, hey, Ojiro, can you support your whole body with your tail?" "U-Um..." "Hey, hey, tell me! I wanna know!" She says leaning on his desk. Mum was pissed now and his hair floated as he glowed red with annoyance. "Isn't this lacking rationality?" He says to the blonde guy. "Don't worry, Eraser Head! I'm going to wrap things up, right?" He says rapidly pointing to himself.

"The future's gonna be...?" He yells to the class with his hand around his ear. The room went silent. "Grim! That's what you were s'posed to say, right? All right, my call-and-response was a huge fail!" "He's an idiot" I mumble to myself. "Well, you guys look like you're not sure what's going on, right? We're third years who suddenly appeared to explain work studies that aren't even required. That's confusing, right?"

It may not be required but I would like one, even if it was just writing up reports and stuff for the time being until i'm able to do things again. "You guy's got your provisional licences as first years, right? This year's first years are really... energetic, right? Besides, it looked like my jokes didn't work earlier, right?" I stare confused for a second. What jokes? When was he making jokes?

"Why don't you all fight me at once?" He says first in the air. "Wh... What?!" We all yell. "Fight you...? Out of the blue?" "It's the most rational to have you all experience our experience firsthand, right? How about your, Eraser Head?" Mirio says, still smiling. "Do what you want, [Your Name], you won't be participating." He says looking at me and I nod.

Everyone leaves to go get changing into their gym uniforms and I get pushed along to the gym by Mum. He puts me to the side and soon everyone begins filing in. The rest of my class stared at Mirio who was stretching. "Um... Are you serious?" Sero asked Mirio "Totally Serious!" "Mirio, you probably shouldn't." The shy Amajiki says.

"For the work studies, it would've been enough for us to say, 'This is how it was, and I learned a lot from it.' Not everyone is filled to the brim with ambition. We can't end up with kids who are unable to recover after this." This shocks me, he can't be that strong? Yet again some quirks work more effectively against large groups, maybe his is one of them.

"What does he mean by 'unable to recover'...?" Kiri asks no one impartially. "Oh, listen! Did you know?" Nejire says making people turn to her as she plays with Mina's horns. "In the past there was a student who got so frustrated the student quit being a hero, and that caused all sorts of problems. Did you know that? It's tough, isn't it, Togata? If you don't think things through properly, this'll be rough. Really rough." She finished.

"Please stop." Mina whined. "Please wait. There's a handicap in place, but we've fought with the pros before." "And we've fought with villains before, too. Do we look like such small fry to you that you need to worry about us?" Tokoyami and Kirshima say."Kiri, just because we've fought against heroes and villains doesn't mean we're strong. It just depends on the quirks, some work better in certain places, meaning with the right quirk he could kill us in a blink of an eye, and sometimes you only won on technicality, or because you used your heads. Not everything is going to be that easy!" I yell over to him

"Right, you can come at me anytime, from anywhere. Who's first?" He asked the class and Kiri stepped forward completely ignoring my small speech. "I'll...!" He starts before getting interrupted by Izuku. "Here I come!" "Unexpectedly, it's Midoriya?!" He cries. "This is a good chance for all of you. Make sure you get the most out of this experience!" I look at Mum and sigh, he already knows Mirio is going to win.

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