Chapter Twenty - The Test

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Your Point Of View

"We work so hard every day" Mina complained. It was now dark outside and all the girl were chilling or while I was eating a multigrain bar I recently promoted. I got paid for the promotion but these are seriously good and low in sugar and everything. "It's not called 'Intensive training' for nothing, huh? Even so, there's less than a week left before the provisional licensing exam." "Yao-momo, how's your ultimate move coming?" You asked Momo. I took another bite out the bar I was feasting on. "There's something I want to do, but my body can't keep up yet, so I need to develop my quirk a little more first," she answered. "What about you, Tsu?" "I've perfected a move even more frog-like than before. I'm sure even you'll be surprised, Toru." "What about you, Ochaco?" Tour asked a spaced out Ochaco.

Tsu then tapped Ochaco who then freaked out. "You seem tired." "Oh, no, I'm not tired at all. I'm just getting started! At least, that how it's supposed to be, how do I put it? Recently, my heart's been feeling all stirred up." I look at her and smile. "Ochaco you're in love" I giggle and take another bite. She then turns really red falling backwards dramatically. "Wh...What? Glove? Shove? Dove? i don't know what you're talking about!" "Is it Midoriya, or Iida? You're always with them, aren't you?" I then take a deep breath to think. "I'm always with you to Ochaco, is it me?" I asked. "Im sorry but I'm not looking for a partner at the moment," I say turning her down. "No, No, that's not it! No, it's not, it's not." she then floated to the ceiling.

"Who is it? Which one? Who is it" Toru shouted at her? "Spit it out. You'll get a lighter sentence if you confess." Jiro joined in. "That not it, really! I really don't know anything about that stuff." "It's not good to force an investigation, you know," Tsu says. "That's right. More importantly, we have an early start tomorrow, so we should turn in." Momo says. "What? No way! I want to hear more!" Mina and I say that the same time and by say I mean screamed. "Even if we don't talk about anything important, I want to force it to be about romance!" we contained at the same time. Ochaco then looks at the window and her cheeks go red. I smile as I finish the bar I'm eating so I need to get up and pass the window to get to a bin. As I walk past I see Izuku and I smirk now knowing who she liked.

~(παρακάμπτοντας το χρόνο)~
~(Bypassing the time)~

"Ah, I'm getting nervous!" Jiro says as we line up outside the bus. "I wonder what well have to do, I wonder if I can get my professional licence." Mineta panicked a little. Mum then came and crouched next to him. "Mineta, it's not about whether you or not you can. Go and get it!" I smile as he gets back up. "Right, C-course-of!" "If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will become chicks, you'll hatch into semi-pros. Do your best." I smile at his words of encouragement but I would rather be a fried egg or a scrambled egg. At Kiri and Kami were monologing a tall guy came behind them. Shouting Ultra. This even caught Shotos attention. I then go up to him and smile. "Hello, it's nice to meet you" I greet him warmly. "You shouldn't just barge in other people's huddles, Inasa." says a purple haired boy behind the boy I'm guessing is Inasa. There is also a girl there as well who looks really cute. "Oh, no! I am very extremely sorry" he then drives his head into the floor. I quickly panic as it looked like it would hurt him.

I quickly take a bandage from inside my hat and stick I onto his head after cleaning it with the sleeve of my uniform I just ripped off. As I mend him my other classmates go on about some famous west Japanese school they are from. "Are you ok?" I ask. He then smiles "I wanted to try saying it just once! Plus Ultra! I love U.A. High school! I am extremely honoured to be able to compete against U.A. students!" "Lets go" said the purple hairs boy again. I then smile and wave them goodbye but they walk past me, ignoring me.

"Eraser, Eraser! I've seen you on TV and at the sports festival, but it's been a while since I saw you in person!" His face instantly scrunched up. "Mum, who is she?" I ask him so only he heard. "Let's get married" "No." "No? Good one!" "Your hard to talk to, as usual, Joke." I thought about it for a second. "If she's asking to you get married that means that they are close but not fiancé so they are dating. Does that mean I should call him Dad instead of Mum!" I shouldn't he last bit out a bit too loud. "If you marry me, then we can make a happy family with never-ending laughter!" "A family like that can't be happy." "Mum, are you doing it with her. I don't like her!" I say hitting his side repeatedly "Where is Dad? I want Dad." I say having a little fit. "This must be your daughter, I heard you adopted one but didn't think she would an idol." she then laughed. "They seem to close" I hear Tsu day behind us. "Our agencies used to be close to each other! In our cycle, if helping and being helped, our mutual love for each other bloomed--" "No it didn't" "Oh, I love your quick retorts! You're so worth teasing, Eraser!"

"Joke, since you're here, that means." "Thats right. Come here, everyone! It's U.A." a class then starts walking toward us. "Og, it's the real thing! Said a boy with Izuku fluffy hair. He's adorable. "Wow, that's amazing! Be seen them all on TV! Says a blond girl behind him. "Ketsubutsu Academy, second years, class 2. They're my class. Please be kind." Izuku 2 then walked up to Izuku and grabbed his hands "I'm Shindo! U.A. This year's had trouble after trouble, so it must've been tough!" he then kept jumping to everyone one.

"But even so, you all are still aiming to be heroes like this, huh? That's wonderful! A heart of fortitude is what I believe all heroes should have from now on." He then shined really bright, its an older copy with a different quirk. "He's so bright!" I accidentally say aloud. I then cover my mouth realising what I said. "From among you, there's Bakugo and (Your Name), who experienced being in the centre of the Camino incident. You both have an especially strong heart. Today, ill do my best while learning from you!" Shindo says smiling. "Stop pretending. What you're saying doesn't match the look on your face!"

I then see Shindo's face darken but ignore it. I go up to Shindo and bow "I'm sorry about him. He doesn't like people. He's a bit rude from time to time. But he's right and you know it, you may know their quirks but mine is still a secret to the public even with my being an idol you can't find anything, good luck." I say smiling and whisper the last part in his ear so no one hears. "It's fine! It just proves how strong his heart it, the same with your (Your Name), and I'm so happy to meet a now world famous idol." he smiled a smile back, "aww thank you, but I'm not that popular, at least not as much as Yu and Nezu, but ill get there" I smile at him.

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