Chapter Twenty-Six - Assembly

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Your Point Of View

I wake up and slowly try sit up using the wall to help me. I got half way up before falling back down. I flinch from the pain in my back and then try to get up again, it took a while but I managed to get up. I slowly swing my legs over the bed. I see my wheelchair folded up next to me. I grab it and try unfold it. I struggle for a bit before putting it down and giving up. As I was about to lay down again the door to my room opened and I saw Mum.

"Good morning!" I smile at him. "Morning, let's hurry and get you fed, we have a long day today" he says unfolding my chair and putting me in it. He wheeled me downstairs and put me next to a glass of orange juice and some jam toast. "Thank you, sorry I'm a burden at the moment. But I will get better!" I smile at him. He put his hand on my shoulder. Looking at his face I saw a small smile for a second but it disappeared, if I was to ask him about it I knew he wouldn't admit it. "Just hurry up and get better."

~(παρακάμπτοντας το χρόνο)~

~(Bypassing the time)~

Shoto was pushing me as we go to the grounds. "Listen up, everyone! Stay in line and move to the grounds!" Iida yells whiles moving him arms. "You're the only one who's not in line." As Sero pointed that out Iida froze. "The dilemma of a class rep!" "I heard, class A-- Two people! You had two people fail the provisional licensing exam!" I look up to see Momoma. I sigh. "Class B's Monoma! He's crazy, as usual!" Kaminari says. "So were you the only one to fail again? Like with the final?" Monoma then starts laughing then turns around. "We... all passed! We've pulled ahead of you, Class A."

"Sorry... everyone..." Todoroki says as he stopped pushing me. "It's ok Shoto. I forgive you." I say smiling at him. "They're turning it into a competition on their own, so don't worry about it" Kiri says trying to cheer him up. A cute blonde girl with horns and cute eyes then started talking. "According to Vlad Teacher, well have classes together this semester! I'm looking forward to it!" She says happily. I smile, "Yea I can't wait, it's going to be fun!" I smile at her nodding. "Oh, I can't wait to test out my skills!" "Anyway, you're an exchange student, right?" Kaminari asked. "I'll beat you up so bad you won't be able to get back up!" Kiri and Kami freeze in place. "Hahaha, good luck I already can't get up!" I said cockily crossing my arms.

Monoma starts laughing and pointing. Kendo then scooped along and hit him. "Don't teach her weird phrases!" I smile as Monoma shut up. "Hey, were trying to get through back here." Someone says behind up. "I'm sorry, Come now, everyone, save your chit chat for later. Your causing problems for people!" Iida says. I look and see a guy with purple hair, and tired eyes. "He kinda looks like Mum, doesn't he Shoto. He looks so tired." I say to him and he nods. I then look at him and recognise him from the sport festival. I was there but I watched it aired on tv. What was his name again... Shin- Shinso. His names Shinso.

"Don't show me how uncool you are." He said. "He's the person who fought Midoriya at the sports festival." Jiro says. "That guy looks... like he's bulked up a bit." Everyone then continued on our way and lined up. "Hey! It's the small mammal you all love, the principal" Nezu says putting his arm up. "Recently, the fur I'm so proud of has deteriorated in quality, it's hard for me to take care of it. This is something you can say about humans, too. Even if you have a balanced diet with zinc and vitamins, the most important this has to be sleep. Disturbing your lifestyle is the worst for your fur. So if your trying to improve your hair quality, you should make sure you get enough sleep! The cause of this disturbance in lifestyle is incidents from this summer vacation I'm sure you all already know about the loss of a pillar. The effects of that incident have appeared faster then I could have imagined. There will probably be great chaos in society in the near future. In particular, this will be most apparent to those of you in the hero course. You must approach activities outside of school, like the hero work studies that mainly second and third years participate in, with a greater sense of caution and crisis then before. The air always feels heavy when we talk about gloomy things like this, huh. The adults are working hard to do something about that heaviness. We'd like you all to learn that hard work from them and develop into capable people. All of you in business course, general studies, support course, and hero course, I don't want you to forget that you're all successors of this society."

"And now, we have a few warnings from the non-curricular guidance teacher, Mr hound dog." "Grrr... Yesterday... grrrrrr... At the dorms! Grrr... growl...! Unused to grrr... life" he then walked away and I was totally confused. Luckily Mr Vlad ended up translating it and there was a fight last night. I laugh guessing that it involved Bakugo. "Shoto imagine if it was Izu and Katsu fighting last night!" I laugh lightly and he puts his hand on my shoulder. "You didn't hear, it was them, I guess you weren't awake then but they are being punished as well and have to clean the dorm for a while" I look at him shocked. So it was them. "I knew it!" I'm the best but I wonder what they we fighting over, probably something stupid.

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