Chapter Fifteen - Dad Might

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Your Point Of View

I sat in the hospital room with Gran Torino, a policeman and Yagi. "The embers inside me have gone out. The symbol of peace is dead. However, there is still something that I must do." "Tomura Shigaraki. Shimura's grandson, huh?" Gran Torino says standing. "That's just what All For One said, right? That's not very much to go on. The two of you didn't have any interactions with Shimura's family?"

"No, only (Your Name). She was about Three at the time" I then nod to clarify what he said was correct. "Why not?" "Shimura's husband was killed, so she put her child in foster care to keep her child away from the hero world. She told Toshinori and me that she didn't want us to have any contact with the child even if the worst were to happen to her. She eventually accidentally met (Your Name) and her parents not realising they were her grandchildren and great-grandchild. And they got close, and then when (Your Name)'s dad found out who she was, they moved away to Europe."

"So your promise to the deceased backfired, that's sad." I look down. So that's why we moved, I thought they just got a job transfer. "The blood relationship that my master severed for the sake of peace! We must find Shigaraki. Find him and..." "No what are you planning to do once you find him? You're not looking at him as a villain anymore. You will definitely hesitate. No matter who hrs related to, he is a criminal. Tsukauchi and I will investigate Shigaraki from here on out. You stay at UA and do everything you should be doing. Even if you can't be the symbol of peace anymore, All Might is still alive."

Since we got back to safety I've been made to eat every meal. Which was good for me I guess. Today for breakfast I had a fruit salad. It was delicious and I was on a good diet. Apart from the bandages I had around my body apart from my face I was okay. I was staying in the hospital until someone could take me in. Word talked about it that I was going with All Might but then some said I was going with Katsuki. I have no idea.

~(παρακάμπτοντας το χρόνο)~
~(Bypassing the time)~

It had been a week and I moved into the new dorms made in the school. I don't have to stay with anyone. Unfortunately, I had been under hero supervision ever since the incident. Something about Tomura coming back from me or something. We were currently going around my classmate's houses to see if they could stay in the dorms as well, and by me, I mean Aizawa, Yagi and myself. Going around everyone's houses was fun.

"Oh, sure! I'm counting on you!" "Don't hit me, old lady! I'll kill you!" "Shut up! It's your fault, to begin with for being weak! You got caught, and bow your causing everyone trouble!" I giggle a little as Katsuki and his mother fight a little and his father is basically silent on the sidelines trying to get them to stop. I then realise that Aizawa and Yagi look confused but also scared by the way this family acts. 

"Next Is, Midoriya's house is close by, right?" I nod and we begin to walk away. "All Might. What is Deku to you?" Katsuki asked. "He's my student, just like you. A future hero with bright prospects." I just look down knowing that's not the answer. "I see if you don't want to tell me, that's fine. Thanks."

I then get the hero and ex-hero into the car before running up to Katsuki. "Thank you, you saved me big time so many times," I say bowing to him. "You want to thank me, start eating properly." He then walks into his house. We continue the day and finally get to Midoriya's house. Yagi was going in by himself.

"Tell Izuku I said Thank you for saving Bakugo" he stuck his thumb up and continue to go to Izuku's place. Aizawa passed me a cup filled with fruit and a small plastic fork. "Eat, the doctor said to give you an afternoon snack. I ate the cut up fruit chewing every bite. I knew I was going to throw it up later to may as well enjoy it now.  "Shota, thank you. I'm going to sleep, I'm tired."

~(παρακάμπτοντας το χρόνο)~
~(Bypassing the time)~

I wake up in my bed. I was back in my door. Looking at my clock I see it was a little past midnight. I then see a few more boxes that must-have been recently moved here after the apartment was sold. I now had no one to fall on after I leave school. My parents missing and Uncle Tomura being a villain and in hiding.

I sigh grabbing the boxes and opening them inside are some clothes and a few books. I clout to books on a bookshelf first before moving into the clothes. As I want over to the wardrobe with the clothes I trip over my own feet and fall into the clothes that are now on the floor. I pick my self up and feel a piece of paper underneath my hand.

Leaving the clothes I pick the paper up and take a seat on my bed. Unfolding the paper I see it has Yagi's and Shota's name on the bottom. I look at the paper again now reading what it was for. As I read the title I gasp and stood up putting on shoes and rushing to where he should be right now the teacher's lounge.

I quickly run without any shoes on and take all shortcuts I know. I eventually make it to the school now I just have to get to the lounge on the second floor. The school was empty and quite apart from the echo of tapping as my feet hit the floor. I eventually open the door out of breath and see Them

"What is this?" I asked confused. "Did you not read it, we are adopting you." I felt a tear fall down my face as I run to him and hug Shota. "Thank you so much! I say crying and Yagi just laughed and patted my head.

"Also just making it clear, we are not a couple" I giggle a little before nodding "Sure."

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