Thoughts & Speech's

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Bold is the journal entry's


James POV

Mr.Frost is making me get a tutor. I'm usually really good at math but Dusty has to be in my math class. I kinda have a crush on Dusty but the problem is I don't know if I'm gay. My parents are also very homophobic so I have to worry about that too. I wake up to my best friend  Matt sitting in my desk chair. I shoo him out and get dressed. When I walk downstairs my mom is watching the news report. Then when the gay news reporter comes on she turns the channel mumbling how he's a disgrace. I turn and grab a pop tart for breakfast then head out the door with Matt.

I get to school and head to my locker with Matt where Jakob and Dimitri the twins meet us. I open my locker as Matt says "Those damn faggots"

I roll my eyes and grab my books shutting the locker. I turn and see who they are talking about and to my surprise it's Dusty. He's talking to his friend Jason. The bell rings and we head to class. I make it through the uneventful day and head to Mr.Frost's room. When I get in there I expect some nerd but it's Dusty.

"I'll leave you to it but from now on meet outside of school." Mr.Frost says as he exits.

"Ok what part are you struggling with?" 

"Umm... All of it? I say nervously.

We sit there and work for an hour before my mom texts me and tells me to come home. "your place tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure" he says than walks out.

I walk out and run into Matt and the twins as they do football and I do soccer. "How'd it go with fairy boy?"

"I will punch you" he raises his hands in surrender than we all pile in my car and head to my house.

When we get inside my mom says "Wash up dinners ready" I nod and head upstairs to wash up and dump my stuff. When I walk out my mom is setting the table. We all sit down and eat making small talk.After dinner we head up to my room and play COD. After I put in Insidious and we all watch.Soon everyone is asleep so I pull out my journal and write:

December 13

Today I had my first tutoring session and it was with Dusty. As I was telling you I'm so confused. I think I like him but I'm not gay. Am I? No. I love his perfect smile, his gorgeous eyes, his perfect voice. I love his drool worthy body and just his cute selfless personality. Wait did I just call a guy cute? I'm going crazy. What about my parents? What about my friends? What about the school? What about soccer? Hell I've screwed my life up. Wish me luck.


I put my journal back in my bag and turn over and fall asleep. I wake up to the twins moans and look over to see them jerking off in there sleep. I start laughing waking Matt up and he starts laughing too. Then Dimitri and Jakob wake up and realize what we were laughing at then continued to jerk off. I made a disgusted face then with Matt ran out the room. We ran into the kitchen and ate. The twins came out and we went up and changed. I grabbed my bag and we headed out. When we got to school I went to my locker and grabbed my books. I turned to see Dusty. I screamed and jumped back into the lockers making everyone turn and look at me. I just turned and pushed Dusty. Everyone turned back to what they were doing .

"Afterschool follow me." he says

"Okay" I turn and walk to Matt and the twins. We walk into class and pass note the entire time. The rest of the day was a blur all I could focus on was the fact that I was going to Dusty's house today. He walks up to me after class and motions for me to follow him. I do then slide into my car driving behind him. We get to his house and I put my car in park cutting the ignition. I step out and lock the car slinging my bag over my shoulder. Immediately as we enter I smell Gumbo and my stomach growls.

"Hey hun you ready for some gumbo?" his mom says as she walks in. "Oh sorry sweetheart I'm Miranda. are you staying for dinner?"

"Sure I guess" I say shrugging then a man easily 6'7" big as a bear walks in the room.

"Dusty anyone give you problems?" "No pops" "Good who's your friend?"

"Pops this is James Laken" "James this is my dad William or Will" 

"Wait hold on Laken as in Isabella and Marcus Laken's son?" "Yes" "I swear to God kid if you are anything like your parents you can leave now" 

"William!!!!!!!!!!" Miranda exclaims "No ma'am it's alright he has every right to be like this my parents are the most outspoken people against homosexuality ever but fortunately I am not like that I don't care if you are homosexual." 

"Good now go get to work while we finish dinner" "Yes sir" I say and me and Dusty head up to his room. We work for about 30 minutes when his mom calls for us to come down stairs for dinner. We eat while making small talk then head up and work for another 30 minutes before I head home and fall asleep.

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