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Emma's POV- (One month earlier...)

"Hey. So, I know I haven't been the same lately, but I just realized something. Something BIG. And I don't know why I thought of it either. It is like... Ancient." I said to Julia. We were waiting for Ally to meet us at the mall.

"What's wrong? I'm always here." She said.

" It's just that... I don't know why I am realizing this now, but... And this may sound crazy. Even for me. " I say. Julia cuts me off.

"Oh my gosh are you coming... Out to me??" She asked me, whispering.

" WHAT? No. No no no. I'm not. No. " I said to her. I don't know why she would be so worried if I was, though. But I'm not.

"Ok. I'm glad we cleared that up." She said.

" Ok...? Anyway, I think I am going to get back in touch with Finn and Wyatt. Maybe even Jack too. I could probably get you his number if you want. " I said.

Then Ally comes in.

"Oh! And get Jaeden 's for me, too!" she said.

"Good idea!" Julia said.

Then, that night, I emailed Finn.

To: Finn Wolfhard
From: Emma

Subject: Long Time No See!

Dear Finn,
Hey! It's me, Emma. I don't know if you remember me, you probably don't, but whatever. I realized earlier, that we haven't spoken in like nine years, and it has been a long time. I go to Brooke High School now, for boys and girls. My hair is still blonde, and so am I, so... (I'm trying not to sound nervous here.)
Anyway, I wanted to know if you wanted to get together sometime this week after school, or this weekend! We could catch up. Oh and if you are wondering how I got your email address, my mom gave it to me. I hope you get this and say yes! Oh and how are the guys?


He didn't email back for two straight days. I don't think people check their emails like I do. I don't have his number, so this was a last resort. I waited for a while. Then he emailed me back two days after.

To: Emma
From: Finn Wolfhard

Re: Long Time No See!

Dear Emma,
Hey! It's me, Finn. I just want to let you know that this is my number- 234-765-9906, because I don't check my email that often. I'm glad you want to catch up! I would definitely like that? You still in state, because I haven't moved. I remember the day you moved. That was sad. the guys are great! Are you bringing friends, because I can bring them along! I also still hang out with Wyatt!


(A/N-- That was a fake number I put in there. I wanted to make it seem real without it actually being real. Thanks! Love ya lots! Em)

Word count- 480

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