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Finn's POV -

I'm here. I'm here! It is time. I have to walk in. I'm gonna do it. Now... Go!

"Why are you just standing there? What are you waiting for?" Jaeden asked me. I didn't know what I was waiting for. Who knows what? ??

"Uhhh I don't know... I'm nervous."  I confessed.

"To meet your old friend from forever ago? You'll be fine." He assured me of it. I was going to be fine. I walked in, looked around the coffee shop. I saw one blonde sitting with another guy. Could that be her? I walked over.I

"Hey." I said.

" Who are you? " She said snobbishly.  Geez. I don't remember her this way.

"It's me, Finn. We emailed?" She looked clueless. What the heck?

" I'm Emily... I don't know who you are, Finn. Goodbye. " Not the right person. Great. Close enough.

"Hey! Over here! FINNN!!!" Someone yelled. It was another blonde. With no other guy. Except Wyatt. Wow. Thanks Wyatt.

"Hey, Emma! How have you been?" Just the way I thought she would be- perfect. Just perfect.

Emma's POV -

Perfect. I missed him. Just the way I imagined him. He is tall. Really tall. His hair IS curly! I missed that curly hair. His friends aren't bad looking, either. I think Julia is drooling over Jack. Ha!

"I have been great! Different than what you expected, right?" I asked him. I was surely wrong about what I thought.

" Heh, yeah! " he said. He sat down next to me.

Finn's POV -

Totally not different than what I expected.

Julia's POV -

"Jack is so pretttyyyyyyy!!!" I thought. Nope. I said it out loud... Oops! Didn't mean to do that. Jack was ordering a coffee, so he didn't hear me, but everyone else looked at me. Ally gave me the one eyebrow look, that I can't do back because I don't know how to raise one eyebrow! Ugh why?!

Now I'm embarrassed.

Ally's POV -

"Wow. Jaeden's hot! I think I'm gonna go out with him." I tell Emma.

" He needs to ask you first. " she said. I could always ask him myself, even though I won't do that.

Wyatt's POV -

"So, you have a boyfriend Emma?"

Finn's POV -

Bad move Wyatt.

Ally's POV -

Why, Wyatt?

Jaeden's POV-

So close. Then you ruined it.

Julia's POV -

Good job. (Sarcastically)

Jack's POV-

When is my coffee gonna be ready??

Emma's POV -

"Uhhhhh... No. Why such a random question?" I asked him. why did he want to know that?

" Oh, okay! " he said. He looked relieved. Oh god. Is it what I think? Please no. This could ruin our friendship!!!!

"But I do have my eye on someone." I say, giving him a hint to stop.

"Is it me?" He said.

" Uhhh... " I said. Ummm....

"Just kidding!!!"

" Well, no, you aren't the one, but I'm not telling you who it is, either. " I said. He looked disappointed that he was put down. Ha! Sorry Wyatt.

Finn's POV -

Oh shoot. She likes someone. It probably isn't me. Dang it.

"I like someone too, and they do live around." I said. I hinted at her.

Emma's POV -

Dang it! Someone else caught his eye.

Jaeden's POV -

Guys, just tell each other!!!!

Ally's POV -

Guys you are killing me with this! Get a room! Just joking! But seriously... just say it!

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