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Emma's POV -

"Wyatt! WYATT!" Ally yells, cupping her hands around her mouth.

"Does anyone think he may be at his house? Maybe that's where he is." Jaeden says, exhausted.

"That's the LAST  place he would be. It seems like you've only known Wyatt for like a day! Where have you been, Jaeden?" Finn asks, annoyed.

"Maybe we should check at the coffee shop... if it's still open..." I said. Finn stood by me as Ally looked annoyed.

"Of course, everything Emma says is right. I think we should check the park. Anyone with me?" Ally asks.

"I'll go, only because you are scaring me right now." Jaeden said, walking up to Ally and stood next to her. She looked at him with a straight face, and then Jaeden scootched away from her a little bit when she looked away. I snickered, and Jaeden winked at Finn with a smile. Finn winked back. I looked at him and he looked at me. He shrugged. I don't understand boys.

I don't know why Ally is mad. I mean, she went on the perfect date with Jaeden, and... really, I don't know what's wrong. She had to of had fun. She came walking back into her house smiling and laughing.

Ally's POV-

Great. Just great. First, the date wasn't what I pictured. I really don't think Jaeden knows anything about me. The date went terribly! He tried to win me over with huge gestures, like a horse drawn carriage, icecream at the park, it just isn't for me. Maybe I should let Emma go with Jaeden. She can ask Jaeden questions about me, and she can tell him about me. That might be a good idea. I really hope she doesn't think I'm mad at her. I did kinda... snap. Shit...

"Hey Emma, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure. What's up? Are you okay?" She asked me. I pulled her or for a minute while Jaeden and Finn were looking around a little bit.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Can you go with Jaeden? I need you to tell him things about me. Not in a straightforward way, just I need him to know that I hate huge dates and stuff. Please?"

"Sure, but I still can't figure out why you don't like really sweet, big gestures. It's so nice..." Emma says, and she hugs me. I can tell she is feeling hurt. She is tearing up a little. She needs to find Wyatt. I need to help her. It's the least I could do.

"Guys! Change of plans. Jaeden, you are going to search with Emma, and Finn is searching with me. Just so we don't get distracted, or... something. Okay? Okay. Let's go.

Jack's POV-

"UGH! Julia! Answer your phone! God dammit.." I say and throw my phone across the bed. Why isn't she answering her phone? Maybe she got a new phone number. I think I need to go to her house.

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