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Emma's POV - (after the date)

Dear Emma, April 26, 2018

I know you don't care, but in three days time I will be leaving. I will be gone from your life. Forever. I just thought you should know, not because I thought you'd care, but just in case you call me or something and I don't pick up. I am leaving town, moving away. Far away. I won't tell you where, because you will try to come for me. I don't want that. I want to be alone, with my own, NEW true love. Cassie. She loves me, and I love her. I have to admit, I have loved you for a long, LONG time. Since we were about three, actually. Yep. A long time. I know. I know you love Finn now, and that is one of the reasons I'm leaving. I don't want to suffer, watching you be really happy with someone who isn't me. I wanted to give you that. All of those days, coffee in the morning, late night hang out by the lake in the park, watching movies while I do the slick move of yawning and putting my arm around you. I know you like all of the cliché stuff. It makes me happy to know you are happy, don't get me wrong, but I wanted to make you happy. It is just too hard trying to be your friend, when it all hurt too much not telling you I loved you without you running away. Yes. I love you. I needed to get it on pen and paper before I go. Say goodbye to everyone for me. Or don't. It doesn't matter to me. No one will miss me, because none of you have thought to call or text me or even email me in the past two weeks.



"How...Why...What....??" I say in complete shock at the fact that Wyatt is leaving.

" Emma, I'm so sorry... I don't know why-" Ally says before I stop her.

"Ally, we need to tell the boys. Is he...?" I ask, looking at her with tears in my eyes.

" I don't know, but I agree with you. We do need to tell the boys. Let's go. They are just downstairs. " Ally says, and we walk downstairs. We show them the note, and Finn looks distraught.

"He's... Leaving? What does that mean?" Finn asks.

" I don't know. I don't know if he means suicide, or just leaving, or... " I say and start to cry. Finn hugs me.

"Wait... Who is Cassie?!?" Jaeden says, really confused. Ally slaps him on the back of his head.

" What? Isn't anyone wondering? " He says again, waving his arms into he air. All my gives him a death stare. 

"We need to find Wyatt." I say, and Ally agrees. I put on my shoes and so does Ally. We walk out the door into the night. Finn turns his flashlight on his phone, and we walk around, calling his name. Jaeden started calling the name Cassie, and Finn pushes him and Jaeden laughs.

" Stop laughing! Wyatt could be in trouble!! " Ally says and walks in front of us all using to flashlight to see where she steps. It is about 2 in the morning.

"Wyatt! WYATT!!"

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