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Julia's POV- 

He got up. Just stood there for a sec. Stared at me for a long time. He starts walking towards me. Closer, closer...

"Hey asshole!"

Liam turned around. I couldn't believe who was at the door.

Neither could Liam. He had no idea who that was. To be honest, I didn't think he was still in the country.


In walks Jack right behind him.

"Oh that loser," I say chuckling while smiling.

"Yeah... Asshole!" Jack said, late and out of breath.

"Hey Julia!" They both say as normally as they would walking into a room WITHOUT a bunch of drunk teenagers trying to harass me.

"'Ummm... hello?!" I say and gesture to all the people around me, just staring.

"What the hell?" Liam says, and with that, he starts to walk toward me. "Hey asshole!" Jack starts to say and Wyatt interrupts him.

"Why don't you call him something else? I mean, asshole isn't the only world you could-"

"UM HELP!" I yell as Liam gets closer. He gets from a walking pace to a speed-walk. Jack jumps on his back and starts pulling at his shirt, but Liam is too big to fall or be phased by my tiny Jack. Jack gets totally whipped off of him and then Wyatt comes in with at good punch in the face.

"Owww!" Wyatt says, holding his hand, still in the position of a fist. Liam punches back. The fight is on. I get out of there with Jack, and we watch for a minute from an outside window. Wyatt looked like he was having fun, so I let him be, but after a while it got crazy, so I called the police. Wyatt got arrested along with the other boys.

"Those jerks! I can't believe they tried to harass me! Assholes." I said, and Jack looked at me and we both laughed.

"Oh, assholes." We both said at the same time. 

"I guess we have to bail out Wyatt now," I said.

"Yeah, I guess we better go now then," Jack agreed.

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