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Emma's POV -

We get to the school. I rode with Julia and Ally. I see Jack, Finn, and Jaeden waiting for us. Now Wyatt. It wasn't like I'd hoped he'd come even though Ally told me he wasn't coming. Since my dress was long and I didn't want Finn to get mad or Jealous, I wore Wyatt's corsage on my ankle. It definitely didn't much my dress. Finn smiles when he sees me. He stands there waiting for me, his hands in his pockets. Ally runs to Jaeden, with those high heels on, not mis-stepping once. Jaeden held his arms out for her to jump into his arms. Hee caught her in a cradle position. Jack walked up to Julia to help her out of the car. He held out one hand for her to grab while the other hand was behind him holding a blush-pink corsage in a to go box. As Ally is laughing really hard while Jaeden swings her around in a circle, I walk up to Finn. We hug, and he gets down one one knee.

"Oh my god. That isn't a ring, right?" I say, pointing at the enclosed box he holds in front of me.

" No, Oh no. I didn't think that would be the message. But, Emma, will you take this corsage as a symbol of our love for each other and go to prom with me? " he asked me. I tear up as he pops open the box. With the bright blue corsage.

"Wow. That is the second promposal I've gotten from you! Yes!!!!!!" I say, and he slips on the corsage. I hug him. He kisses me when I stare into his eyes. It was just a peck, so it was a little awkward when we pulled away. First kiss. Not what I expected.

We both laugh, and hold hands walking into the auditorium to dance the night away. I was so excited for tonight.

Julia's POV -

"Ooh! I love this song!" I say to Jack. I honestly didn't know what it was called, because I never know what the names of songs are. I pull Jack onto the dance floor. It is a slow song, so I put my arms around his neck. We share into each other's eyes for a while. I felt like I hadn't blinked for an eternity. All time sort of... Just stopped. I think he noticed it too, because he sort of shook out of it when I smiled at him. The song was over. Huh. Thurs was quick. It felt odd, but also amazing. Like you just got a bunch of knots out of your hair, and brushed it for a last time. It is smooth. Just like it should be. Perfect. Just like the moment I just had with Jack. Even though it felt like three seconds.

Ally's POV -

After a few songs that weren't slow, Jaeden went to the bathroom. I say down to get something to drink and eat. I was hungry. I did go to dinner with the girls before hand, but I didn't eat too much. I grabbed a bag of chips. After I finished them, I got some funyons. Then, right as I was going to grab a brownie, I had realized that Jaeden hadn't been back. Maybe he had stomach problems. A guy came over to me. His name was Jesse. I found that out later.

"Hey." He said. I didn't know who he was so I asked, " Hey. And you are...? "

"Oh. I'm Jesse. I am in some of your classes. You were alone, so I came over. You wanna dance?" He asked me and put his hand out. I had residue from my food on my hands, so I quickly grabbed a napkin and whooped my hands off. They smelled of salt, but they were clean enough.

"Sure. I do have a date though, so I don't want this to go anywhere." I said reassuringly. I did not want it to go far. Something was bound to happen.

When we got onto the dance floor, a slow song came on. Great. I think the DJ has it out for me. I don't like him either.

"I really think we shouldn't... My date's going to be back soon, and I want to be waiting there." I say and start to walk back to where I was sitting before. I took five steps, and then Jesse grabbed my arm. Then I turned around.

"Wait! " he said when he grabbed me.

"Please let me go! I don't wanna dance, okay! Leave me alone!" I yell. He wouldn't let go.

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