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Finn's POV -

I'm going to ask out Emma. Today. I am going to ask her to go out to dinner with me, to share our time together as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Wyatt's POV -

I have to ask out Emma, but not right now. I kinda think she was talking about her crush, but didn't realize I was there. I think I'm her crush. This will be great! Finn has no chance!

Emma's POV -

Julia and Ally are off together buying outfits for their dates tonight. Jack asked Julia out, and Jaeden asked Ally. I think I'm going to stay home tonight. Watch movies.


I heard my phone buzz. It was a random number.

(Text- U- Unknown and E- Emma)

Unknown Number

U- hey! It's finn. Can we meet up at the coffee shop again? I know yesterday we were there, but I need to ask you something in person.

E- uhh sure! I'm not doing any thing right now. Meet there in 10?

U- sure! See you in ten!

(Emma changed name to Finn)

E- :-)

----Time skip to ten minutes later----

Emma's POV -

I stand outside of the coffee shop waiting for Finn. Once again, late! I go in, sit down. He is 20 minutes late. 30. 40- it's getting late, and I can't wait much longer. Then I hear the bell ring on the door. The door closes, and I see a handsome guy with big squares behind his back. What is he up to?

"Hey. Sorry I'm late, but I had to think of a way to do this." He paused. He pulled the white boards out from behind him. I read them.

Slide one-


slide two-

"We have been friends since the beginning, and I know I didn't think yesterday was when we would meet up again. "

Slide three-

"You are truly the person I thought you turned out to be - quirky, sweet, funny,"

Slide four-

"And truly beautiful."

Slide five-

"Now I invited you here to tell you this. It wasn't easy. I had to workup the courage, which obviously was hard. "

Slide six-
"Will you go out with me? "

Finn's POV -

I did it. I asked her.

Emma's POV -

I said yes! Yes! I am going out with Finn!

Wyatt's POV -

I heard Emma was here. I'm going to ask her. Wait, is She hugging Finn? Why did she say yes? What did she say yes to? Oh no. The board on the floor...

Emma's POV -

"Wyatt? Wyatt! I have to go after him. I hope you understand. How about this weekend? We will work everything out later. Thank you, Finn! Bye!" Wyatt ran off. I think he saw it all.

Word count- 449

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