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Emma's POV -

I got ready for my big... Afternoon. I went home after the mall and changed clothes, because I stupidly spilled a milkshake all over my shirt. Classic Emma. I changed into a short sleeved cold shoulder top with Jean shorts from Old Navy. That is my favorite store right now, and probably always will be. I put on my usual makeup. Nothing to fancy- foundation, mascara, blush... No eyeshadow. I had no time, and I didn't want to make it look like I tried too hard, which I didn't. But anyway, I put my hair up into a bun and put on my bracelets and necklaces that I have had since grade school. Good memories. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. I texted Julia and Ally to make sure they were ready before I waited outside their houses for an hour. Ally was ready first, because she didn't put too much effort into her outfit, but it was just enough. Julia texted back 30 minutes later saying she was finally ready. I drove Ally with me to Julia's house and we went to the coffee shop.

Talk about showing up late.

Finn got there 30 minutes late. Since I hate coffee, I finished my Snapple mango tea before he got there, so I bought another one.

Finn's POV -

Great. I'm late. Thanks, Wyatt. What does a guy have to do to go to a coffee shop?

Julia's POV -

I'm so excited to meet Jack! I can't believe I could be meeting my FUTURE husband!!!

Ally's POV - (10 minutes before Emma picked up)

I'm excited. Gotta look hot, but not too hot, because then I would be trying too hard. I'm already hot enough!
Should I wear my hair up or down? Yep, up. It's comfy. I can't stand my hair down. What am I forgetting... Oh! Mascara! Do I look good? Nope. Too good. Gotta get some of those baby hairs... Prefect!

Emma's POV -

Ok. I'm ready. Maybe. I'm nervous! I'M NOT READY TO MEET THESE GUYS!!!!

Finn's POV -

I'm ready, I'm ready... (Singing it the way Sponge Bob does) I hope she is the way I pictured her... But I will accept her any other way. Stay true. Put your brave face on!

Wyatt's POV -

Ok. Make sure to flirt, but not make it obvious. Be yourself. But what if that isn't what Emma likes? Oh shoot. I'm Screwed.

Word count- 405

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