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Emma's POV- 

You know, I really have just realized this- our guys are just like the Greasers in the Outsiders. Jaeden would be Two-Bit, Jack would be Ponyboy, Wyatt would be Johnny, and Finn would be Sodapop.

Ally made a point to me the day she told Finn and I about Jesse. Finn and I are really alike, and Finn works around me all the time. Like his schedule is according to our dates, and my special events that he always goes to. Like, I know Finn isn't happy with Wyatt, you know, because he kissed me when he knew I was with Finn. But, Finn is helping me find him. He is so sweet. See? Sodapop. If you have ever read or watched the movie, "The Outsiders," then you would get what I'm saying. Jaeden is Two-Bit, because he jokes around all the time. Jack is Ponyboy, because he will do anything for his friends and girlfriend. He won't give up. He kind of looks like him, too. Wyatt is Johnny because he runs away from everything and doesn't know what to do when bad things pressure him. It's either kill or be killed.

Jaeden's POV-  

"Ally is sweet, caring, loves going on romantic dates..."

"Ok. Now it's time for me to tell you where you are wrong. Sorry, but I'm in a bad state of mind so I can say what I want. Ally is all the things you listed, except for the date part. If you want to take her on a date, remember this. The little things are the big ones. Don't take her on a ride in a carriage in the park on a nice night. Bring her to your house for some pizza and a movie. Watch Twilight or Marvel movies or something like that." Emma said.

"Woah. Why didn't Ally tell me? I don't understand why she wouldn't have told me, because I would have taken her to a movie or-"

"No, put on one at your house. Don't take her to one." She corrects me. Netflix and chill. Got it.

"JAEDEN!" Emma screams. What is going on..? Where did she go? Emma? I walk about 20 feet to my left. What the..? Shit......

"Emma. Run."

Finn's POV-

"Ally, I'm positive Julia is okay. I think she's just sick. That's what Jack said, and Jack does hang out with her like 24/7 so trust me." I say. I'm still mad at her for using my girlfriend.

"Fine. Okay, I believe you. Now let's find Wyatt." Ally says and walks in front of me, waving her flashlight around. I yawn. It is about 2:30 am. I don't stay up this late! I wish Emma were here.

Emma's POV- 

"JAEDEN!" I scream. I'm staring straight at this fox coming near me. First of all, it was a pretty damn big fox, and second, why was it coming near me? Time stops for a second. I hear Jaeden saying something, but I can't move. I can't. It's coming closer. It gets ready to jump. I feel a strong force pulling my arm, and the next thing I  know I'm on the ground, on my back. Jaeden fell on top of me.

"Are you okay? It didn't touch you, right? Are you hurt?" Jaeden gets up.

"Finn is gonna kill me."

"I'm fine. Really. My arm kinda hurts from the fall, but im fine. Really," I say, moving my hand around to make sure it isn't broken. Phew. Maybe just a sprain.

"I Thought that thing was gonna kill you! I think it had rabies!" Jaeden said, playing with his hair. He's cute when he gets worried.

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