The Auditorium

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I scanned the area, good, Jungkook and Jimin weren't there. It was a couple days after BTS's big DNA performance. Everyone was still talking about it.

I climbed on stage and breathed in and out. No one used this theater, it was really sad. The red drapes and the old unpolished floor gave the stage a lot of character. I moved into first position. I tapped the speaker and the music sprinted and took flight, along with my body. I moved gracefully through each count. My contemporary piece was called "Fake Love." The song choice was one of my favorites. It had a smooth beat and great vocals. I tried putting every ounce of emotion I had into every move. I spun to the left, right and did several high-kick leaps across the stage, each landing with me holding my head and collapsed knees. My move became sharper, stronger. The climax was my favorite. The part where I am confirming it's pretend and that I need to move on. I was so entranced by the music that I apparently didn't notice the guy staring at me since the beginning.

When I finished the dance with my hand in the air, I smiled at how I ended up getting it finally right.


I turned my head and gasped. Shoot. I should've done a more thorough check. Next time I'll definitely have to do a perimeter check. "Jungkook, uh, hi. Did you want the stage now?" Jungkook just stared. I swallowed hard, "you can have it. I'll leave."

After no response I gathered my thoughts and headed into the back to grab my stuff, but Jungkook stopped me, "teach me that dance."



I stood back, Jungkook, one of the best dancers, wanted to learn the crappy routine I came up with? "Uh, I'm not sure. You probably have something to do."

Jungkook wore a sorrowful face. He then perked up and grabbed my hand. He set the ring from my childhood in my palm. He smiled and held another one out beside it. Friends forever clearly engraved in the metal rings. I looked up at him, my eyes practically out of their sockets. He really was... he's... forgetting everything, I let the tears weld up as I stepped towards Jungkook. I gave him a hug and with my shirt height I stood on my toes. There was hesitation, but after a couple seconds Jungkook hugged me back. He bent down a bit so I could finally be flat on the ground. Suddenly he bolted up and looked at the auditorium doors. All I heard was a slam. He had a horrified face. He glanced at me apologetically and ran away behind stage. For some reason, my heart sunk. Did he just?


The girl which Jungkook was so familiar with was hugging him. He took a second thinking about the possible consequences he could have because of this, but afterwards, the world faded out. He hugged her back and closed his eyes. It might sound weird, he thought, but she smells just like she used too. Her scent calmed him down as he rested more on her shoulder. He looked up from the embrace to see a girl with a phone out, the flash just going off. He pulled away from his childhood friend where he still didn't remember her name. The girl ran off, leaving his childhood friend and him alone. PD wouldn't like this. Jungkook feared the worse as he had to leave the girl he used to love. He ran back stage and left in the car he drove with.

"Shit! PD is going to fire me!"

When Jungkook arrived at the dorms, Suga was already waiting on the patio. He had the "i'm-disappointed-in-you-child" face. Jungkook walked in and rode the elevator to meet Suga. Suga just turned with his arms crossed, "where were you?"

"Why do I have to tell you? Anyway, where's Jimin?" Jungkook impatiently said.

"Where were you, don't make me repeat myself again."

"I was in Seoul."

"Dammit Jungkook, what if someone saw you! Don't follow Jimin's example! He's an idiot!"

Jungkook shifted, "anyway, where's Jimin?"

"He's at the studio, why?"

"Can you get him, please."

"What? Why can't you get him?!" Suga asked, obviously annoyed.

Jungkook sighed and said, "just get him, please. I need him, it's important."

Suga just gave Jungkook the same eye roll that he gave every time he would do a favor. Jungkook thanked him and went to his room where he fell on his bed and thought deeply about what happened.


"Holy... I just... he just... I don't get it." I ran over the same words in my head as my roomie continued to clip her toenails while applying a fresh coat of neon pink nail polish at the same time.

"What the hell are you mumbling about?" Lisa asked licking her lips as she concentrated on getting the perfect paint swipe.

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

"It sucks to not have friends, doesn't it?"

"I have friends!"

"Pfft, like BTS?"

Did Lisa know what happened with Jungkook and I? Oh crap... "what do you mean?"

"Please, everyone knows that JK and Jimin come to the auditorium to practice. Even the principle knows, but he likes their music so he allows it, although I don't know if Jimin and JK know that. If they ask the principle, he'd totally allow it. BTW, the reason that auditorium is always empty is because ARMY, like me, don't like to make a distraction for BTS when they're practicing. So I suggest, avoid going there anymore. You're new, so you were let off the hook, but not anymore. Trust me, don't continue going there, or something really bad will happen to you."

I think that's the most Lisa has ever said sober before. "Has it happened before or something?"

"Yep, and that girl won't be coming back anytime soon."

I shuddered, these girls were intense. If these are how all ARMYs are, I feel kind of bad for BTS. Everyone on twitter seems nice though! I'd hate that some ARMYs are being so rude and overprotective.

"Did I piss you off? Ha, that's nothing new."

I bit my lip in frustration. At least she doesn't know about the hug Jungkook and I shared. God, if that got out, JK and I would be stuck in a really bad position. I went back to laying on my bed and silently mumbled the sentence, "why, how..." repeatedly.

Regret and Jealousy A BTS FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now