Turning Point

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"I don't understand, why do I have to take you home. Didn't PD Nim say he wouldn't let a girl go home at this time of night for Christ's sake it's after midnight! I can't freaking drive that well and he sends you with me, wow, smooth move Nim," Jungkook ranted.

"Why are you angry, shouldn't I be the one who's angry at you? You know, for spying on me?"

Jungkook looked guilty, "I already said I'm sorry."

"No the hell you didn't."

"Well fine, then I'm sorry."

We sat in silence for a little while, "listen JK, about what you saw—"

"Forget it. I don't like you, remember? Whoever you choose to make out with isn't any of my business."

I sighed, "I guess our feelings for each other have left again, haven't they?"

"Again? There was never a second time. I liked you in secondary and that was that. I just got caught up in some stupid feelings when I saw you again, but now, I'm all good."

I pursued my lips, there wasn't any reason why he needs to get mad at me. There was still a little bit to get to the university, so I decided to prod a bit more, "What were you and Jimin really doing, why were you guys really spying?"

"Because... after that date with Ji Su I really wanted someone to rant to... welll... I wanted to rant to you specifically."

I chuckled, "and you couldn't call me?"

"Well I thought you were asleep!"

"Yeah, and instead of waking me up by call or text you thought to wake me up by knocking on my door or in your case eavesdropping."

Jungkook looked at me, "I was gonna knock, but then I saw Tae, and both of us got really curious as to why he was there."

"Understandable I suppose."

"So why did you invite taehyung?"

I bit my lip, "I think I got caught up in past feelings too. I really liked you back then, so it was hard to get over you. I think I even started to like the new you, but I realized it was becoming one sided so I wanted to move on. And who better to help than one of the biggest players in BTS? One of the only groups of boys that I can actually talk to now."



Jungkook sighed again, "I'm gonna ask you a personal question and you don't have to answer, but I'd like you to. Why did you say no to PD Nim? Aren't we, don't take offense, your only friends so far?"

He was right, and it really hurt me to make the decision, "like I said, I'd hold you back. I would distract you guys. Plus, having a girlfriend for one of you would lose you fans and get you into more of the negative media coverage. I don't want to put that on any of you."

"Honestly (Y/N), I think we would much rather prefer hanging out with you than worrying about the stupid media. Good ARMYs will defend you and it'll weed out the ones with unrealistic ideals."

"Do you even want me to be in your life. You seem to get mad at me a lot and for stupid shit too."

Jungkook smiled, "if I didn't want you in my life do you think I'd keep talking to you? Do you think that me sending Namjoon after you was my way of saying I don't want you in my life?" Jungkook laughed to himself, "so you think that you're not important to me? If that was the case I would've said no when PD asked if you were someone special."

It touched my heart, really. Jungkook and I were really great friends. And I did want to stay that way... but can I really take his word that it wouldn't have a negative impact on his career?

"We're here." Jungkook parked and got out of the car the same time I did. He grinned, "hopefully you'll change your mind and forgive Jimin and I. I really hope today isn't going to be the last time I see you."

I just smiled at him and said, "thank you Jungkook. And you know I already forgave you two, I couldn't stay mad. Either choice I make, JK, know that you and BTS have made these past weeks the best. I didn't know it was even possible to get along so well with someone in such a short amount of time. I really appreciate you. And I will forever remember the time we shared." I stepped inside the dorm hall after waving him goodbye.

When I got to my room, Lisa was passed out in her bed, half naked. I changed and got into my bed. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I didn't want to leave BTS. I loved all of them already. Why did it have to be this way? But it didn't. Would it be selfish if I pretended? Just for a little bit? How much trouble would it be for them? What would my life be like? My college life? Too many questions, I should sleep on it. And thus I cried myself to sleep.

(3rd POV)

"What do you guys think she'll do?" Taehyung asked.

The guys at the table shrugged, "I don't think she'll choose us, it's too late," Jimin sadly said.

"I'm really gonna miss (Y/N)," Jin pouted.

"Same here," Namjoon sipped from his beer.

"What do you think, Jungkook?" J-Hope inquired.

Jungkook shook her head, "to me it sounded like she might still be deciding."

"Really?" Yoongi said out of the blue.

"I'm actually quite surprised you decided to pay us a visit considering you typically work in the studio at this time," Namjoon lifted an eyebrow.

"This is more important," Yoongi muttered.


"I've made my decision, finally," (Y/N) said as PD Nim handed her papers.

PD Nim seemed skeptical, "your final decision?"

She nodded.

It's all moving so fast what r we gonna do?!

Regret and Jealousy A BTS FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now