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Jimin and Jungkook sat in silence as the news sank in.

Jimin finally broke it, "so you were caught? And caught hugging some random girl too."

"She's not some random girl!" Jungkook yelled.

"That doesn't matter! The real problem is that you were caught doing that and that other girl has photographic proof! If that gets out, all hell will break loose."

"It's just a picture. I don't get how it can do much damage."

Jimin ran his fingers through his hair, "JK, I don't know if you understand the full fundamentals of being a kpop idol. Have you read the contract between bighit and us? We're not allowed to date!"

Jungkook knew this all too well, but the girl was just a friend. He didn't want to date her, "I don't want to date her."

"ARMY doesn't know that. Damn JK, why couldn't you have just been more careful?!"

"I was! But she hugged me out of nowhere."

Jimin just sighed and leaned on the wall of Jungkook's room, "I'm sorry for getting upset, but I do suggest you prepare for the worst. Good night."

Jimin sulked our of the room while Jungkook kept thinking about what happened. Still, he wished he could got to the girl just so he could apologize. For bolting out of there, for giving the impression he didn't like her years ago, for leaving without a proper goodbye, for everything that had happened between them. He silently cried, alone, "what's going to happen?"


It had been a couple weeks since JK and I met close up. Jimin and him hadn't showed up at all. I checked everyday. This was my fault. I scared him off. Now some person was watching and I can't do anything to stop it. Would it be stupid to want to see Jungkook again? I pondered this in the middle of class where the bell had finally rang.

"Hey, (Y/N), want to see something?" Ji Su said, leaning on her hand. She got out her phone and logged onto and app. Twitter showed a post with a picture of Jungkook and I, hugging.

"What?! How?!"

Ji Su smirked and said, "don't worry, this is just a draft, but I need some favors done if you don't want me to send this."

She was the one who saw us. Thank god she didn't post it, yet. "What do you want?"


Jungkook watched the clock as Jimin pushed him out of the seat. He landed on his feet and stood up saying, "what was that for?"

"Nothings happened. Stop being like that. Come on, this is a happy photo shoot!" Jimin smiled.

Jungkook smiled back, but still couldn't help but think about the photo that's now in an untrustworthy persons hands.

"Alright guys! I want you to give smiles and grins! Show you're having a fun time! The camera will do the rest!" The set guy said behind a probably very expensive camera. The set had balloons, a bright yellow background and every BTS member had on solid colored clothing. BTS Global Fanclub was the subject of this photo shoot. Jungkook smiles in his blue hoodie and hat, but he knew he wasn't doing as well as he wanted. He couldn't help it.

"Alright! That's a wrap! Be back tomorrow at the same time!" The set man yelled through a megaphone.

Jungkook slowly walked back to the same seat that Jimin had knocked him onto.


I scrubbed my desktop clean. Even though there wasn't anything on it, I continued to clean as if it had been doused in a mud bath. Ji Su has wanted me to have it ready for her by tomorrow. This was one of my "favors." Basically, take my desk, make it brand new again, and deliver it to Ji Su. I hated treated her like a queen, but in order for that photo not to go viral, this was worth it. First of all, it would be a constant problem to Jungkook and I don't want that, second of all, I'd get shunned by half, no, more than half the school. Even the principal wouldn't enjoy my presence. However, I doubt he even enjoys it now. I sighed and scrubbed harder.

"What are you doing?" Lisa asked me, typing her essay that was supposed to be due last week.

"Cleaning my desk."

"You do realize that you've scrubbed the same spot for like 15 minutes, right?"

I lifted my head out from underneath the desk, "Yes Lisa, I do. But I'm currently stressed right now and cleaning helps me feel better."

Lisa gasped, "how could you like cleaning?! It's horrible!"

"Well, when you have a life and actually responsibilities, you'll do whatever you can to help you feel less stressed."

"I'm going to ignore that little comment you made."

I just shook my head and stood up. The desk was practically shining in the light coming from our window. Unfortunately, there was red spots on the desk. No... not on the desk, on the window. My window to be exact, "why is there red spots on my window?"

"Oh, it's blood, I'm on my period and my boyfriend and I-"

"That's disgusting. Don't talk to me and wipe it off."


I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I had a cleanser for stress like this. I pumped the squirt bottle and got a generous handful. Just like that, my worries went away, temporarily of course. The minty feel of the soap felt good while the beads massaged into my face. I held my hair up when I rinsed it off.

I dried my face off with a towel and returned to my room. Lisa had already wiped the window clean.

To give me something to do, I went down to the cafe and grabbed a latte. After a few minutes of sipping, I heard screams. Girls rampaged right past me to the entrance. I went to see as well. Peaking around the corner, I saw the guy with dimples from BTS. Confusion hit me as soon as his eyes landed on me. I backed away and sat back down in my chair. He didn't want me, why am I even having a speck of hope he did.

"Are you (Y/N)?"

Regret and Jealousy A BTS FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now