"I Love You"

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I got to the dorms and instantly collapsed. This was the weirdest thing ever. Of course Lisa was asleep on her bed still. Tomorrow is gonna be another day full of classes and now I'm going to have the events of last night in my head. I won't get any time to focus! Ahh! Jungkook why do you always do this?!

I looked at my phone staring blankly at Jimins Number and a selfie he took for me personally.

"Here is my number." Jimin smiles.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just Incase you get bored or something. Give me a call, a text, or even if you're feeling daring send me a face time."

"Ha, will do." As I put my phone in my pocket Jimin grabbed my hand.

"I want to take a picture for my number!" He said.

I agreed and handed him my phone. He adjusted his hair and smiled doing the classic hand heart. He gave me back my phone. I stood there silently wondering how he could take such amazing selfies. If I was in my PJs in the morning id look like complete shit. "Looks good. Thanks."

"Text me when you get home!" Jimin smiled. I heard the bell for the last transit leaving for the next 30 minutes.

"I will. Bye!" I waved

I hesitated a bit before tapping in the sentence

I got to the dorms. Thanks for the ride.

I hit send and the woosh of the phone told me there was no going back. A couple seconds later I hear a buzz.

Jimin: Np, by the way do you want to hang out some time?

Me: sure sounds fun but are you able to even go out?

Jimin: the company doesn't control me! But let's just keep it between us *wink wink*

Me: so you're not allowed

Jimin: right, but I'm allowed to go with friends and you're a friend so I don't see any problem

Me: okay.

Jimin: yay! Are you free tomorrow? When r ur classes over?

Me: tomorrow is actually a good day. I only have 4 hours of classes so I should be free for lunch. U up to it?

Jimin: yeah! We should go to that new Korean BBQ place.

Me: lol, living in luxury much? That place is like 30$ per person.

Jimin: I'll pay. It's the gentleman thing to do

Me: noooo. I don't want you to

Jimin: why not? :(

Me: because that's too much! I appreciate the off to pay for it, but I won't accept it! I can't.

Jimin: fine fine
Jimin: what about Myeongdong Kyoja?

Me: sounds good

Jimin: hurray! Does 12:45 work for u???

Me: *nods*

Jimin: *claps* yay!
Jimin: do you like myeondong kyoja?

Trying to type and also eat some ramen is hard. Me, being the klutz I am decided to type "I love you" when thinking about "I love it". I tried to delete it, but the woosh sound confirmed my doom. I gasped.

Me: I love you

Jimin: wow that was fast


Jimin: lol love u too 😂

Me: 😂😂

I blushed. Even though I was in the comfort behind a screen, I still felt like Jimin was right in front of my face.

Jimin: here's JKs #. He told me to give it to u.
~Jimin sent a contact: Jungkook AKA Golden Idiot~

Me: Golden idiot?

Jimin: dont ask lol

Me: alright! Tomorrow at 12:45, meet at myeondong Kyoja!

Jimin: yep!

Me: cool
Me: c u 2morrow

Jimin: c u

I breathed slowly, I had a meeting with one of the most popular idols. Ji Su would kill me if she found out. I sighed. College is a lot different then I was imagining...


"JK, guess what?!" Jimin grinned and jumped on his friends bed.

JK raised an eyebrow at the excited puppy-like housemate, "what?"

"I have a date with (Y/N) tomorrow."

Jungkooks face turned to a look of shock. He knew he brought this upon himself, but why is this happening so soon. It was his fault. He deeply regretted not pulling (Y/N)'s arm a while ago, "really where?"

Somehow, seeing JK so flustered and confused brought a feeling of happiness in Jimin, but seeing JK's sad eyes made that little hint of guilt light up. What was he doing? Jungkook and him had been friends for years and now he was sabotaging JKs love life? Jimin stared off into the distance, past JKs Head, "um that BBQ place. Myeondong Kyoja."

Jungkook slumped even more than he was before. Being the naive child he was, he dreamt of taking (Y/N) on a date to a traditional Korean BBQ place. He would grill the steak for her, she would laugh at his horrible cooking skills, maybe even show him how to cook, but That will never happen. Jungkook sighed, "sounds cool."

"Uh..." Jimin feeling guilty and frankly a little sad, put his hand on Jungkooks Head, "I'm sorry. I won't go if you don't want me to."

"No! Uh! Go! Yeah, I'll be fine," Jungkook pitifully smiled.

"Is that seriously your answer? You don't expect me to fall for that right because if you do, you don't know me very well." Jimin gave Jungkook a back hug, "I really won't go if you don't want me to." Half of Jimin hopes JK would say no so Jimin didn't have to carry the heavy burden of guilt but half of him wanted JK to say yes. Jimin remembered how funny and goofy (Y/N) was. He wanted to see her again, but not without JKs permission. For some reason, Jimin felt like JK betrayed him for bringing such a pretty, nice, and funny girl into the house expecting everyone not to like her.

"I don't mind. Plus, you've already made plans with her right? It would be rude to suddenly cancel." Jungkook turned to look at a worried Jimin.

"Are you sure? You're into (Y/N) aren't you?"

"Nah, we're just friends. We've always been friends and to be honest and how depressing this sounds but I'm probably gonna be in the friend-zone forever." JK put his hand on his face, "do what you want. I don't want you to let (Y/N) down."

Jimin hugged JK even tighter, "thank you JK!"

Regret and Jealousy A BTS FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now