Sure sure

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"What's wrong?" Jimin asked.

"Nothing..." Jungkook smiled and tried to reassure Jimin. That wasn't going to happen.

"Uh-huh, sure sure..." Jimin smirked. "Jungkook I know you like the back of my hand what's wrong?"

Jungkook sighed and sat by Jimin, "it's (Y/N)."

"What about her?"

"She- she's the one Suga was with."

Jimin caught his breath and could feel Jungkook go closer to the cliff, "how do you know?"

"The rings! The rings!!!!" Jungkook yelled and held his hand out. The two rings sat next to each other, like twins.


"These are the rings I gave to (Y/N)! Yet Suga came home with them! That can only mean that Suga was with her last night... what did they do?"

Jimin blushes and smacked Jungkooks back, "come on JK lighten up! It's not like you own her. You can't control what she does." Even as Jimin said this, he was guilty for the same way.

"Why didn't I confess to her? God I regret it so so much. Maybe we would've been together."

"Jungkook, that was a long time ago! Both of you have changed!"

Jungkook knew what Jimin was talking about. He knew all too well that him and (Y/N) had changed over the year. He wished though, that they could pick up, where they left off without everything being so awkward. Jungkook knew Jimin was only trying to help him, yet he flipped out anyway, "JIMIN YOU DON'T GET IT! YOU ARE ONLY HANGING OUT WITH HER BECAUSE YOU'RE JEALOUS OF ME. YEAH I NOTICED!" Jungkook screamed.

"I'm sorry Jungkook..."

"Sorry doesn't cut it. I don't want to talk to you right now." Jungkook said and left. Again, his choice of words was terrible. Was he really letting his frustration out on Jimin? All those things were just thoughts coming out. He felt horrible about it. He slammed the door to his room and locked it. Sitting on the edge, he cried. Tears flowed down his cheeks and he couldn't contain them any longer. The memories of him and (Y/N) in secondary crashed in his head. Memories of them now weaved their way in there too. Jimin was probably worried about his outbreak, but there wasn't a time right now that Jungkook could talk to him without having a mental break. Then a buzz came from his phone. He wanted to toss it across the room, chuck it out the window, but instead answered without checking caller ID.

"Jungkook? It's me, (Y/N)."

Jungkook was speechless. She was on the other line waiting for a reply.

"Jungkook? Are you there?"

"Huh? Uh, yeah! Hi! Why are you calling?"

"Ah, I think Suga has the rings. I think i accidentally gave them to him when... anyway, I really want the ring back. It's important to me. Do you think you could get it?"

"Of course! As a matter of fact Suga gave me them this morning! Um, do you want to meet somewhere to pick it up?" Jungkook gulped.

"I'll just come over now. I have classes in a couple hours so I have time, unless you're busy! If so, I'll get it later."

"No no! I'm not busy, actually I'm just lying in bed contemplating life!" Aish Jungkook! What are you doing is this seriously how you talk to a girl?!

"Ah, I'm glad. I'll head on over then."


She's really coming over, Jungkook thought. SHES COMING OVER RIGHT NOW?! Jungkook ran to his closet and changed into a baggy tee and some ripped, black skinny jeans. He threw on a pair of pumas and went downstairs.


"(Y/N)!" Jungkook grinned.

My heart fluttered. I used my index finger to push him on the forehead, "excited much?"

"Uh, no, I mean yes, well I'm always excited to see you, well not in a weird stalker type way just-" I silenced Jungkook with my finger. He laughed with his hand on his head.

"Do you want to come up to my room? Ah, you just came for the ring right? Here." Jungkook handed me mine. I slipped it onto my finger. "So we're getting married?"

"What do you mean?"

"The finger! Rings for when you're engaged or married goes on the left ring finger. Come here," Jungkook grabbed my hand, his were big but delicate. Huh? They're really soft... Jungkook put the ring on my right ring finger.

"Sure, by the way."


"Come on let's hang out. We don't have to go to your room, if you don't wanna."

Jungkook just smiled his bunny smile. "Wanna watch a movie?"


We went into the living room and sat on the couch like the two awkward young adults we were. Jungkook and I reached for the remote at the same time and it was almost as if we were holding hands. I laugh and take the remote out from under his hands. Out of the corner of my eye I swore I saw the tiniest hint of redness in his cheeks.


I grinned at him, "why though? Let's just watch something on TV. What are you in the mood for?"

"Um, it doesn't really matter."

I rolled my eyes, "still indecisive like always. Alright let's watch a cooking show."

Jungkook nodded and I tuned the TV to the food channel. As the maple syrup glaze covered the freshly steamed and broiled ham with the sour and sweet pineapple cuts fell down slowly, both JK and I licked our lips. The cook finished it off by sprinkling hints of herbs and salt and pepper. I bit my lip, it looked so good I'll have to try that recipe some day.

"Hey, you wanna make it?" JK poked me.

I looked at him with hungry eyes, literal hungry eyes, "YES."

Jungkook laughed in my face and brushed his hair back. I gulped, it was the killer move that those ARMY's talked about. Ugh, he's just a friend! Get yourself together! I smiled back at him. He grabbed me and hauled me off the couch, "the kitchen is this way! The laptop is there too, I'll print the recipe!"

"Wait Jungkook, what if we don't have the ingredients?"

"Jin Hyung always bakes and cooks, he's like our personal chef. He has everything, even American food and spice and all of that."

I nodded and we went into the kitchen. Must I say that it was amazingly beautiful in there. There was one part that was like a green room, so many windows. The sun gleamed into the room and naturally lit the marble counters.

"Holy guacamole..."

"Guacamole? Interesting," JK smirked while on the computer. I walked over and leaned my head on his unusually broad shoulder and look ahead. I did it, I MADE IT AWKWARD. Before I made it any more awkward I lifted my head up, but hear a slight snickering in the back. I turned and saw Namjoon trying to contain his laughter.

Regret and Jealousy A BTS FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now