You're my Hope

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"What time is it?!" I frantically ask.

"6:30." Taehyung said while stuffing some chocolate down his mouth. "Why? You gotta be somewhere?"

"SCHOOL! CLASSES! NO!" I got up and picked up my belongings, "Sorry, guys, I have to leave, but it was nice hanging out with you! Maybe we can go out sometime."

"Yeah. Korean BBQ sounds nice." Suga said.

I laughed and waved, "Bye!"


Alright, I was late, that's fine. College professors didn't care about anyone anyway. Except for this one... Mrs. Dean, my dance teacher.

"YOU'RE AN HOUR LATE!" She screamed.

I bowed, "I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"It better not. I'm not training you for shits and giggles, and you're definatly not paying to be late! This is a vital step in your career! If you want to be an idol, if you want to dance pro, this is information you need to retain! Do I make myself clear?!" Mrs. Dean yelled.

All of us yelled "Yes ma'am!"

An idol, huh. That would be nice to do, right? I guess it's a little late for becoming an idol. All my life I had wanted to dance, but doing something that takes me away from the whole world, that's a new story. I wonder how BTS does it. How they can keep up their friendship and be an idol at the same time.

"Focus! (Y/N)! Your turns are looking sloppy, I want 20, straight!"


"Do you think we're a bad influence on (Y/N)? Like cause her trouble?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin straightened his hair, "Why? It's not like we've interacted much. We've only known each other for a couple weeks. And the majority of that was her running back and forth through the auditorium. (HAHA I reread the story and am now familiar with the timeline again!-Author chan)"

Jungkook nodded his head. "I guess not."


Knock knock knock

I answered the dorm door. Ji Su, her weave now long pale pink braids that reached the center of her back. "Hey girl."

I tensed up, what did she want, "Um, hey."

"So, I still have this!" She showed me a picture of Jungkook and I. I tried to reach for it, "In order for it not to go public, I need you to do a favor. A couple of favors."

"I gave you my desk and I've cleaned the bathrooms spic and span what more do you want?"


I gasped. There was absolutely no way. Jungkook is too precious of a person to me, "What?"

"Well, I want to go on a date with him, alone. And have him actually like me. Then I'll leave you alone and I'll burn this picture."

"How do I know its not save on your phone? What about extra photo copies?" I asked suspiciously.

Ji Su sighed and went to her phone. She showed me the single picture of Jungkook and I and deleted right in front of me, "If I had more photo copies of this, I'd be broke. It costs like $20 to get this, I'm not paying an extra $40. So there you happy now? Get Kookie to go on a date with me."

If I let her go do this, what will happen? It's just one date right? If say no, she'll expose us and JK would lose everything! Maybe I'm making a bigger deal out of this than it is, but what if something like him getting fired comes out of this. What od I do? Tell them the truth, that it was a misunderstanding or...

Regret and Jealousy A BTS FanFicحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن