Hold Up

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"Y-yeah! Come in!" Jungkook invited (Y/N) in. They sat in the corner of his room, on the small red and black mini sofa, "so what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know, let's just get straight to the point, I'm a straightforward type of gal. Have you ever liked anyone else other than me?"

Jungkook had a couple crushes in the past, yeah, but they weren't as, well, passionate as the one he had for (Y/N). Why was she so out-forward? Why did she act so skittish in the beginning? What's making her not shy? Is it because it's just her and him in the room? Does she feel comfortable around him? Even though they only met a couple months ago? And didn't even start talking until a couple days ago. If she was so comfortable how come he couldn't be?! "No..."

"Hah, don't lie to me!" (Y/N) inches herself closer to Jungkook "No girls ever asked you out?"

"I was usually always busy with dancing and training to be interested in girls."


I don't know why this sudden burst of confidence came out, but I enjoyed talking with JK like old times. Butterflies were still in my stomach, but I knew that as an idol it's against rules. I doubt I even like him like that anymore.


"Really? You're cute, why wouldn't they?"

"I-I don't know..."

"Probably because of that face you pull every time you see one."

"W-what? W-what face?"

"The face you have right now: the 'I'm panicked' face." I laughed and punched Jungkook playfully in the arm.

Jungkook blushed, "do I really have that face?"

I rolled my eyes. Jungkook was so oblivious to himself, I'm surprised he made it this far. Literally a fan could be stalking him and he would say, 'oh I thought they were just walking in the same direction.' "You're so adorable, Jungkook."

"A-adorable? I don't think that's how you describe a man!" Jungkook got up and pretended to show off his biceps, "check these out."

"Oh wow, look, it's some pre-pubescent arms!"

"Oh shut up!" Jungkook laughed and then said proudly, "I'll have you know I work out everyday. See! Look!" Jungkook pulled up his shirt and showed every curve of his eight-pack (Yes, he does have an eight-pack. Just check out fake love). I blushed, HARD. I covered my eyes.

"Jungkook! Put your shirt down!" I yelled.

"Not until you look at each one of these babies!"

I felt my face tighten, not my chest. This was not butterflies, but an unpleasant feeling: The Cringe. My face went back into itself and my eyes almost closed. I felt a hand grab mine and put it on something warm, and lumpy... I opened my eye and Jungkook had my hand right in the middle of his ripped abdomen. I widened my eyes. First: WTF JUNGKOOK Second: I'll admit it is pretty nice, but still!

"See! Not the body of an adorable boy right?" Jungkook smirked.

Everywhere got hot, not just my cheeks, but ALL OVER. I looked away quickly. Jungkook dropped my hand suddenly, "I've just realized how awkward and painful that was. I'm embarrassed. I'm so sorry for scarring you, if you'll excuse me." Jungkook walked stiff to the door and left the room. I breathed heavily. My heart was pounding so hard, it had to fall out any second now. I blinked, not believing what had just happened. If I wasn't freaking out I probably would've went to get Jungkook and tell him it was okay, but it wasn't. That should never happen again. Damn, I let it slip out.


What was that... Jimin thought to himself. He had been clinging to the wall the whole time, eavesdropping. He didn't mean to see that. When (Y/N) finally left, probably to find Jungkook, Jimin climbed out of the closet. He saw the spot where Jungkook and (Y/N) sat; a small indention was marked on the bed. He peered out the window of Jungkooks room. Nothing unfamiliar, just the same RM's car and  the producers car. He felt as if time had stopped in the closet yet the world was still moving without him. He felt his heart, beating fast, jealousy.

"Jungkook! Where are you?" (Y/N) called out. Jungkook turned from his corner. He got up and stood in front of (Y/N).

"I'm sorry. I guess I just assumed it would be like Secondary school, but we both have had some changes and it was distasteful for me to do that to you. I'm sorry for what I put you through today. If you want to leave, you can." Jungkook reared up. Was parting with this girl so hard for him?

"Alright then. I'll leave, but please don't apologize, I hold as much blame in this as you do, so just hold your head up." (Y/N) smiled and started towards the door.

There she goes. Just like that. Out the door away from my world forever. Sure we might meet again in the auditorium, but I enjoyed today and yesterday. Talking like friends again... revealing secrets to each other, I miss it. Am I just going to let her go? Jungkook tightened his fists. He stepped forward and opened his mouth and-

"(Y/N)! Hold up! Let me walk you to the transit or something!" Jimin yelled, pulling a coat over himself and his PJs.

"N-No, it's fine! Really!" (Y/N) said.

"I insist. Please, it's the least I can do. After all I ended up leaving you with this weirdo!" Jimin pointed to Jungkook who was stunned to see Jimin pop up out of nowhere. He was more mortified that he never told (Y/N) what he wanted to say.

(Y/N) looked over in Jungkooks direction to see if going with Jimin was alright. Jungkook waved his hand as if saying go and goodbye at the same time. (Y/N) accepted and both her and Jimin walked out the door. Jungkook watched them until they disappeared behind the solid wall, where the glass dared not to go.

"*sigh* I'll tell her someday."

Regret and Jealousy A BTS FanFicKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat