I Want You

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⚠️ Warning (skip this scene if you don't do well with topics like rape, it's not detailed or anything, but please skip ahead until I say to start up again!!! ⚠️

In secondary school:

I peeked through the door, no one was looking. I slipped through and met Jungkook in the broom closet, our hang spot while we skipped class.

"(Y/N), you're like five minutes late, what took you so long?" Jungkook said, his hair swept up, messy. I smoothed my hands over it and made it more organized.

"The stupid teacher refused to 'let me go to the bathroom.' Man, she's a stubborn ass sometimes."

Jungkook laughed and took out a letter from his pocket, "looks like I got another confession."

"Pfft, only one?" I took out the two which had been stuffed in my bra, "try two."

"Let's see,

Dear Jeon Jeong Guk, I have had eyes for you since we first met in grade school. Maybe you cannot return the feelings I have for you, but I just wanted to tell you how I do feel. I love you." Jungkook mockingly says.

"Dang, I thought you were shy, didn't know you were a bad boy."

"Read yours," Jungkook said a little too eager.

"Calm down, lets see...

Dear (Y/N), my love-

pfft what is this?!

I love you so, thou has stolen my heart in return May faith help me steal a kiss."

Jungkook cracked up, "omg, that was ridiculous!"

I laughed too and got to the next letter. The bell rang before I could open it. Jungkook and I snuck out before anyone noticed. However, I saw the principal stare at me. He waved me over to him. He was a tall, fatter man I'll admit. He had the worst comeover and sunspots covered his arms. "Office."


As we sat in the office, he closed the blinds. Curious I was, but it was also sunny outside, it was probably just bothering him. He paced around the room until he was behind me. Before I could turn around I felt him lick the back of my ear. I jumped up and backed into the desk which hurt my back. The principal smirked and walked towards me. I clenched the very edge of the desk.

"I've had my eyes on you, (Y/N). Give me a chance."

He was the one who wrote that letter! Dammit, I'm about to get raped, I have to get out. I ran to the door, but it was locked. The principal laughed while holding up a set of keys. How is that even possible, did he lock us both in here?!

I kept trying to open the door. How did none of the office assistants hear this?! I looked at the clock. Had it seriously been two hours?! School had been over for over and hour and a half! I felt the principal grab my chest and cover my mouth and nose with a cloth, as I breathed in the muggy smell I slowly blacked out.


"A foreign object penetration, several bruises, and several parts of the scalp will need to be patched up. It seems she was raped, her blood samples show she was also drugged. Do you know anyone who'd do this?"

I heard my mother cry as I tried to open my eyes. They were stuck shut, wet with tears and eye boogers. "No! Never!"

"M-mom..." I tried to say.

"No, don't speak sweet heart, it'll be alright. I'll make it alright."

I breathed in and out. Those oxygen plugs were in my nose. I heard a heart monitor beeping slowly. The IV drip next to me gave me a pretty good idea of where I was. "What happened?"

"Will you give us a moment?" The doctor asked my mom. She nodded and squeezed my hand. Then left while shutting the curtains. "(Y/N), do you remember anything?"

"No. Well yes. I remember my principal brought me to his office and then I blacked out."

The doctor gave me a horrified look and then took my hand. She gave me a sorrowful look, "you were drugged and raped. Someone found you in a ditch by xxx road. Your clothes were gone. Your body was covered in bruises and-" the doctor seemed to have a hard time getting this out, "human bite marks."

I widened my eyes. What? This... This wasn't real. I started to breath heavy. The heart monitor beeped rapidly. Yelling and screaming, soon, I blacked out, again. That's all I remember.

❇️START ❇️


It had been a couple years since then, but I remember it like it was yesterday. Slowly the memories of that horrid man came back to me over the years. He was removed from the school because his DNA was found in me. I still remember Jungkook. I cried when he came in the room. We hugged. I remember, then, the feelings I had for him. It made me hold onto him tighter, from then on, I developed androphobia, a severe case. Jungkook was always there for me. For the first few months after the event, he stayed away. I didn't blame him, I was acting like a Psycho. I laughed and sobbed at the same time. A complete mental breakdown. All because of that disgusting man. He's now locked up. Safe behind bars. Jungkook was still considerate, he didn't get to close and didn't touch me. I appreciated it, but sometimes I just wanted him. I wanted him to hold me and even maybe kiss me telling me everything was going to be alright, but I knew it was never going to happen. Him leaving for big hit was the worst. I had to say goodbye to my best friend, and my first real love. Maybe I'm just lying to myself. Maybe, now that he's here, those feelings are coming back. I want you, Jeon Jeong Guk, but I'll never have you. The truth I've had to face.

"(Y/N), truth or dare?" J-Hope asked.

"Truth." I smiled.

"Hmm, what is your favorite color?"

"That's hard, I like a ton of colors but (F/C)<(favorite color) is my most favorite."

"Same!" J-Hope laughed, "it looks great on me!"

"I'm sure all the colors look good on you, J-Hope."

J-Hope thought for a moment and then came back to Earth, "call me hobi! Or maybe hobi oppa."

I laughed, "hobi oppa? Sure. Sounds cute."

Yoongi massaged his temples, "I foretell annoying name calling in your future."

"And I foretell more sassiness in the future for you, yoongi oppa," I massaged my temples too.

He grinned and slicked his hair back with his hand while leaning back on the couch.

"Uh-oh, that's yoongi's signature move! (Y/N) watch out!" Jimin laughed.

Jungkook looked at me while I laughed. I looked over at him and smiled which immediately made him look away. Did I do something? Maybe, it's because I'm treating him like a stranger. Perhaps he'll be more talkative if we act like friends again.

"Truth or dare, jungkook!" Jimin asked.

"Dare. I'm a dangerous guy." Jungkook smirked.

"Really? Then I guess you won't mind to give (Y/N) a back hug?" Jimin said. All the guys went ooohhh!

At least it's just a back hug...

"And for $50, give her a kiss on the cheek too." Teahyung added.

"I'd pay $60." Jimin said.

"Come on guys, you know how shy JK is!" Jin yelled to the group.

Like friends, my voice said in my head. If I wanted to become friends with him again, we should act like friends. "I'd pay $100 just to watch him fail." I smirked.

"Fine. You're all on, by the time this is done, I want all the money in my dresser upstairs." Jungkook told everyone.

Wait, is this seriously happening? I was just joking! Oh god... my face burned and my heart pounded as Jungkook got behind me. He gave me a back hug as the date requested. After a couple seconds, I was wondering if he was actually going to do the kiss on the cheek or not. I turned right just in time to see his lips press against mine.

Should I stop with the cheesy cliches? Nahhhhhh -from evil author-chan

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