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♥️     💬47 likesqueenchim lazy day today wbu?

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queenchim lazy day today wbu?

View all 15 comments

sunshinehobi aweee uwu

justinseagull you're too old to use uwu  @sunshinehobi

sunshinehobi  @justinseagull you're never too old to uwu

mamaseokjin stop fighting under jimin's post

sexypornstar  @sunshinehobi  @justinseagull is right you are too old

sunshinehobi  @sexypornstar of course you'd say that you're in love with him

happynamjune im friends with little kids

mamaseokjin  @happynamjune you and i both

justinseagull  @happynamjune you know it isn't june, right?

sexypornstar  @justinseagull joon is gonna get mad at you for exposing him

happynamjune this is my private acc i dont need people from  @ rm following me

mamaseokjin  @happynamjune I wish I was as successful as you, can i have a free verified acc?

sexypornstar  @mamaseokjin dont think thats how it works

sunshinehobi Jimin come over to my place <333

justinseagull look at hobi trying to get the succ smh


Jimin steps into Hoseok's house, closing the umbrella that is covered in dripping rain droplets. The blonde haired male runs a hand through his hair, the pale color matching his skin. "Hyung?" Jimin says as he takes off his shoes. Currently Hoseok was nowhere to be seen. Luckily his friend gave him a key to his apartment so he could enter whenever he pleased. Jimin walks through his friends home, a cold atmosphere filling the area as Jimin looks towards the open window adjacent to the black leather couch in the living room.

"Are you in your office, Hyung?" Jimin says to no one in particular, running his hand along the wall as he turns a corner. He stands in front of Hoseoks' office, and slowly pushes on the door to open it.

The room is completely silent.

And the only person sitting in the center of the dark space is Hoseok, who's eyes appear to be glued to his large computer monitor. "Hyung," Jimin coos in that sweet voice of his, placing his hand on his friends shoulder. "Oh—" Hoseok's eyes dart from the screen and then back to Jimin's chocolate eyes. "I didn't know you were here." He says with a tint of embarrassment hidden in his tone, his cheeks a shade a pink.

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