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Jimin had fallen asleep before he could message Yoongi back. But he wouldn't forget the feeling of butterflies in his stomach that were still with him when the morning sun decided to wake him up. As well as an aroma which reminded him of the breakfasts he used to wake up to as a kid. Maybe their neighbors were cooking something. "Hoseok," he mumbles, rubbing his eyes. "Hoseok?" Jimin places his hand on the side of the bed where Hoseok usually was, waving his arm back and forth against the sheet. The space next to him was empty.

Hoseok was probably out, or in the living room. Regardless Jimin's phone was resting in his other hand, the screen still lit up with the message he received from Yoongi the night before. He brings the device closer to his face, squinting his eyes as the sun reflects off of the screen. "Jimin," a familiar voice enters the room, as a smile forms on Jimin's lips. "So it was you that was making breakfast? This whole time I thought it was the neighbors." Hoseok places the tray on Jimin's lap, being sure to take a piece of toast before the younger male has the chance to eat it himself. "I might of made it for you, but that toast was calling my name." Jimin sighs, watching as Hoseok eats the toast that was almost for him. "So, what's the catch? Why did you make me breakfast?" Jimin cuts a bite sized piece from one of the pancakes, eyeing Hoseok with a tiny grin. "I mean..There wasn't going to be a catch. I was hoping that out of the kindness of your heart you'd agree to go out with me today?" Hoseok batts his eyes, waiting for Jimin to finish the pancake before he gives him his answer.

"Sure I'll go out with you today. If you also make me breakfast tomorrow."

"Alright, then it's a date Park Jimin."


Yoongi stares down at his phone, refreshing his Instagram app every few minutes. He felt so weird refreshing and refreshing, but the feeling in his stomach allowed him to continue to refresh the page. There was this nervous feeling. Like, what if he said the wrong thing to Jimin last night--he sounded so creepy. Right? He should've said something along the lines of, 'sure Jimin.' or, 'no problem.' Yet he had to go with the whole you'll always have a home here, like the weirdo he is.

"If you keep refreshing your page you're going to break your Instagram." Jin looks up from his plate of food, waving his fork in the air for emphasis. "I swear there's probably an article online that backs me up." Namjoon chuckles from the other side of the table in Jin's restaurant. "Are you waiting for some message? Waiting for someone to slide into your Dm's? If that's the case go onto your AgustD account." Jin adds, leaning over towards his slightly younger friend to pester him further. "You know what Joon? I bet he's waiting for Jimin to text him back. Oh wait--my Jin sixth sense is telling me..that he's stressing over a text gone wrong." Namjoon breaks down in laughter, so much so that he has to take off his glasses to wipe away the tears. "Your Jin sixth sense isn't wrong." Yoongi speaks up, deciding it was time to turn off his phone. "It's been so long since Jimin and I have had an actual chat. I don't know why it's bothering me so much. I should be happy that him and Hoseok are doing great." He adds, reaching over the table to grab the pepper shaker. "Something must be seriously wrong with me." Yoongi shakes some pepper over his mashed potatoes; leaning his cheek against the palm of his hand. The expression on his face reads bored, but both Jin and Namjoon know their friend more than he does.

So Jin follows his sixth sense, and quickly takes Yoongi's phone before the younger male is able to say anything to do about it. "Jin--" he begins, his arm reaching across the table--until he leans back in his chair. "I have nothing else to lose, so go ahead." Namjoon moves his chair closer to Jin, as he eyes the screen in front of his soulmate. "The password is my birthday." Yoongi goes back to eating his food, twirling the fork around in the mashed potatoes. "Make sure you're logged into MotionlessMin." Namjoon points to the secondary account under AgustD, "Right, right." Jin takes a moment to look through his friends' feed, which is much different than what he imagined. He even followed a few AgustD fan accounts. But stalking his friends' feed wasn't what he was here to accomplish, he had to help out his and Jimin's friendship instead.

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