six pt. 2

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"I wanted to thank you for giving me a ride to the repair shop, hyung." Jimin mumbles, his fingers tapping against his knee out of nervousness. Hoseok hadn't responded to his text he sent over an hour ago when the younger male first decided to leave the lunch to go home.

The one person that was responding to him, was Yoongi. Yoongi as in the person who first insisted he'd drive Jimin to the repair shop where he could then bring him home. In the end Jin said he'd bring Jimin back. "It's no problem." The older male responds, his eyes drifting from Jimin, and then back to the road.

It had started to rain again, no longer was there sun--but black clouds that threatened to let out their screams of thunder and lightning. "Jin hyung," Jimin begins, "I need to ask you something." "What is it Jimin?" Jin responds, turning on the left blinker as he turned the wheel. "Is Hoseok actually alright? I mean..I just have this bad feeling." And as Jimin fell silent again, reassuring the older that he was done speaking, Jin takes a deep breath. He had one of two options.

Tell Jimin the truth, regardless of what Hoseok might do.

Or keep up the facade, and hope that Jimin is alright in the end.


"Hoseok is fine, believe me when I say that he was super stressed when he realized he had an appointment with that rookie. So stop your worrying, alright?" Jin laughs slightly, while Jimin nods, falling all too easily into the lie presented for him.

Soon enough the pair arrive at the Repair shop. The rain has ceased, the black clouds drifting somewhere else to reek havoc. "My name is Park Jimin, I was called earlier today because they said my  bike was good to go." He smiles to the male who's standing behind a clipboard, his eyes drifting over the names until he finds Jimin's. He asks for the necessities, including pay which Jimin is all ready for.

All that was left to do was wait the few minutes until they came back with his bike.

Jin was on the phone in his car, something about his brother needing his help with their newly opened restaurant.

So it was just Jimin, and Yoongi who wouldn't stop texting him through instagram.

Motionlessmin: Taehyung and Jungkook are so in love it hurts

lmao but they're really cute together

idc namjoon and I are forced to watch them be cute together

my bike is about to come out so I'll tell Jin to go back

If you do that then I'll be aloneee

I thought you already were alone

It's more like Namjoon and I are alone together

ohhh mhm mhm


yeah, what's up?

hoseok is ok, right?

I don't see why he wouldn't be

good point

my bike is coming out

i'll talk to you later alright?

He had asked both Jin and Yoongi now. And they wouldn't lie to him, they didn't have a reason to right? It had been half of a year that they had all known each other. Even if Jimin and Yoongi had a much less amount of greetings and gatherings, they still were aware of each others presences.

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