later that night | seven

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Jimin enters his and Hoseok's apartment, his body aching more than usual. Although where Yoongi had bandaged wasn't hurting as much as before, and thank god for that. The pain he had felt after getting in that accident had become almost unbearable.

But after he had left work, Yoongi insisted that he take him to see a doctor. All she said was that Jimin had some bruising, but everything else looked fine. It simply meant that he'd have to help refine the artists working under bighit's dancing skills, while taking breaks. Even if Yoongi said he could have a few days at home to rest, Jimin wasn't having that. But for the time being the blonde male didn't need to think about work, or Yoongi. Instead he planned on spending time with Hoseok.

It was earlier in the day still. Maybe around six, but Jimin wasn't around any clock to actually check the time. However, he did know what Hoseok arrived around seven, since his work day ended at 6:30. That left Jimin about a half an hour to quickly throw something in the oven, and then tackle some of the boxes that littered their main living space.

It was now around 7:30, and Jimin had tackled more than half of the boxes from his old apartment, as well as dinner which had been sitting on the table for almost forty-five minutes.

The young male hadn't even realized that Hoseok had returned home a few minutes later since his face was buried in family photos that reminded him of happy memories; but they were slowly taken away from him the moment Hoseok made his presence clear. An uneasy feeling replaced itself in the pit of Jimin's stomach the moment Hoseok said, "why were you all touchy with Yoongi today?" He asks, his voice deep and raspy. "Hoseok--" Jimin begins, but is then cut off. "Don't 'Hoseok' me, Jimin. I want a straight answer, preferably true." True? When had Jimin told a lie? "I was going to say he was wrapping up my side, and afterwards he took me to see a Doctor." The younger male responds sternly, while Hoseok stands idly still. "How did you know anyways? Were you watching me?" Jimin takes a step closer to the older male, pressing his finger against his chest. What had gotten into him?

He had never acted this way before.

"Get your fucking hands off of me," Hoseok wreathes, his breath hot and tinted with the smell of alcohol. "Hoseok, what has gotten into you?" The older male takes Jimin's wrist and rips his hand away, watching as the younger takes a cautionary step back. "Tell me, why do you care about Yoongi helping me? It's not like you ever hav--"

A slap. A simple gesture used to shut up people when others didn't want to hear their words.

"You don't know a thing, Jimin." Hoseok breaths deeply, his hand still in the air. The younger male was stunned. No. He was scared, and even if the slap didn't hurt that much, that emotional pain from after the accident returned, and slowly but surely the same tears broke the barrier that Jimin created for himself after that morning in the bathroom.

"I don't know..I don't know what I did to you H-Hoseok..But I'm sorry.." Jimin mumbles, his hand pressed against the red hand print on his cheek. "I'm so fucking sorry.." He cries, the tears falling down from his closed eyes. "I'm going out," Hoseok says with much more bluntness than before.

And before Jimin can plead his case further, Hoseok is out the door.


Have a happy tuesday for those who read this on a tuesday, or any other day <3

Also, this is when the abuse will technically start. So please if you're not comfortable with reading this touchy subject then turn away now.

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