a few days later | eleven

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Only a few days had passed. Three to be exact. Three, excruciatingly long days in which Yoongi followed the same schedule he had recently put aside since Jimin came into his life. That was corny wasn't it? A line that belonged in Yoongi's personal diaries filled with moments no one but him would understand. As if he'd have a diary. What would he actually write in it anyways, more song lyrics? Which reminded him--that he was at work. Once again following the schedule that only shifted because of the now pink haired males' appearance in his life. Only three days had passed, and Jimin's hair color completely changed. But it was a nice change.

"God, what am I saying!" Yoongi yells out frustratingly, crumpling the piece of paper he was writing his thoughts on. Why was he getting so flustered over pink hair? For gods sake he had pink hair only a few years ago, yet there was something about Jimin's contagious laugh and smile that went so well with the bright color--"Yoongi stop." He says to himself, leaning over his desk to bury his red cheeks in his arms. Jimin was happy, according to Jeongguk. Everything was according to Jeongguk nowadays. It was three days ago that Yoongi had last received a message from Jimin, and through instagram too--as if that would make the moment more intimate.

The last message read, 'thanks for the hot chocolate hyung!'

Maybe it was the hyung thrown in there that made it sting more than it should have if the word weren't there. What was he expecting anyways? A grand gesture to say thank you for a simple cup of hot chocolate? It wasn't even a struggle to get. All he did was walk into a cafe, order it, and pick it up. There was no quest in the middle to add drama, no encounters to make it more exciting so he'd have a story to tell Jimin when he got back. Instead he was met with Jeongguk, spinning around in the chair.

And the words, 'just tell Jimin you like him already.' Because for some reason Jeongguk thought that the walls weren't as thin as they are. And even after it all, after all of those unanswered questions--there was still one left. One that was afraid of being answered, because what if the answer ruins something spectacular? Something spectacular between other people? Why did Jimin come to Yoongi's house? Was a dangerous question, but one regardless.

There's a few knocks on Yoongi's studio door, and with a bored tone he responds with a simple, "come in." So they do. "It's getting pretty late, so I'm gonna head out and meet Jin at the restaurant. Hoseok and Jimin already left, and Jeongguk is about to. Something about Taehyung needing his help at their place. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" And just as quickly as Namjoon was talking, he's silent--closing the door behind him to leave Yoongi be.

Another hour passes before Yoongi decides to leave. He takes his phone, and his earbuds, and whatever else he brought to work with him just to bring it home, then back again tomorrow. Because schedules are easy to make, but hard to break.

Midnight slowly approaches, and Yoongi watches as his clock goes from 11:47 P.M. to 11:48 P.M. He had tried to fall asleep for about an hour now, since there was nothing to stay away for. It was as if he were going through one of his depressive episodes. God, it's been months since an episode. Maybe because of that pink haired male that could make even the saddest of people happy.

He was like a drug, but not the bad type. Just the type you easily get addicted to. "Just get out of my head," Yoongi rubs his temples, sighing angrily. He rolls onto his side, staring at his phone. Just a week ago him and Jimin were wrapped up in one of his bigger blankets that could fit at least three or four people, but in that moment it was only big enough for the two of them. A breeze finds its way through Yoongi's opened bedroom window, which sends chills down his spine even with a hefty blanket sprawled over his body. He kicks the blanket off, and stands up from his bed. The cold floors take him by surprise at first, but slowly he gets used to them; just enough so that he's able to shut his window. The breeze vanishes within an instant, leaving the warmer air to make its way into the room again.

It silent again, as Yoongi pulls the blankets up to his shoulders, turning away from the clock on the wall to attempt at sleeping again; but instead in the back of his head he can hear the distant sound of a buzzing. Not like the sound a bee makes, but a buzzing sound something like a phone makes when its against a hard surface in a silent room.

A silent room like his.

Quickly Yoongi turns himself back around, no longer wanting to sleep.

QueenChim: i know its late, but i wanted to thank you for letting me stay with you last week. it means alot.

Motionlessmin: you always have a home here

And as a few minutes pass, the only answer he receives is read underneath his message. But it's enough.

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