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TG: Some scenes may not be suitable for some audiences, please read at your own risk.

He shouldn't of let Hoseok go back to the hotel room with Jimin, drunk. It was such a stupid idea. But him and Namjoon couldn't deal with it anymore, it got to the point that he didn't respond, but drank and drank. If someone like Seokjin was there maybe he would've kept him from going back, but there wasn't that buffer. The situation just left an uncomfortable aura, especially for Yoongi. Yoongi stands in front of his hotel room door, the keycard hovering over the scanner. Someone walks past him, reminding the blonde haired male of the hour. It isn't that late, people are still coming back from dinner or from spending some time in the guest area, swimming; exercising; talking in the lobby. The next few people to walk by are a family of four, two moms with their kids. The daughter waves to Yoongi, and he smiles and waves back. As they're walking past, in the faint background he can hear, "did you see his hair mommy? It was such a cool color!" The other older child chimes in, "that was AgustD, aka one of the best rappers in the industry. I wish I said hi, but he wouldn't. . ." The voices fade off as the sound of a closing door echoes in the hallway. Yoongi sighs. That family seemed to happy, so full of life, he wonders where that drive went for himself. He wondered what would've happened had that older teenager seen the articles from earlier today. Would he of been scared? Maybe he was. Was Jimin scared?

Yoongi pulls the keycard away from the scanning pad, placing it back in his wallet for safe keeping. He needed to set things straight with the person he cared about, the person who was becoming his world. It wasn't sitting right with him, the idea that their fight was left unresolved. He doesn't bother texting Jimin, he just walks until he reaches the elevator; and then the floor where Jimin and Hoseok's room is. He just wanted to say sorry, and if Jimin didn't accept his apology—then he'd try again, and again. Things didn't work out earlier that day, but sometimes things don't work out. Yoongi takes a deep breath, knuckles brushing against the door to knock on the heavy material. He barely applies pressure as the door easily slides open, no lock in the way to stop it. "Hello?" Yoongi takes a step into the hotel room, breath hitched as a fallen over lamp flickers in the darkness. Each flicker only lasts for a few seconds, but it gives Yoongi clarity in the horror like scene. Eyes meet his against the midnight blue, the familiar gaze is sickening. Jimin looks away, his swollen left eye being patted with ice. Next to him Hoseok sits silently, hand reaching for the battered person sitting beside him. Yoongi flips on the lights, exposing the scene in full. "Hoseok, step away from Jimin." Yoongi says with as much calmness as he can muster. Jimin's black eye is a mix of dark blues and purples, and the cut on his lip is bleeding again. Hoseok glances up at Yoongi, panic ridden on his face, his eyes shocked at his own doing. "L-Listen, I didn't mean to--" he musters, stepping away from Jimin as Yoongi moves closer. "But you still did it." Yoongi whispers, a look of disappointment across his features. "Jimin," slowly, Yoongi hesitantly wraps his arms around the battered male. "You're safe now." He whispers, eyes never leaving Hoseok who still stands across the room. "We're going home, all of us." Yoongi can feel as Jimin wraps arms around his back, tears falling onto his shirt. "No one will ever hurt you again."

The seven friends sit in the airport waiting area, bags packed, as the clock ticks close to three a.m. Yoongi insisted that Jimin visit a 24 hour clinic, but he didn't want to. God. It was so fucked up. Who knew how long it had been going on, or how long it would've continued had Yoongi not walked in when he did. Jimin sleeps peacefully against Yoongi's shoulder, the only peaceful moment of tonight. "I'm going to go get some water," Jeongguk speaks up, his black bucket hat hiding the detestment on his face, aimed at one specific person. He didn't care if Hoseok was his friend at some point, he hurt his best friend. "We should be leaving soon." Namjoon reassures everyone who remains, eyes trying to avoid the saddened looks everywhere. Yoongi glances towards Hoseok, they meet gazes, one apologetic while the other is upset. Jimin moves slightly, and everyone's' eyes are on him. The guilt was overbearing. "Namjoon do you have an exact time? People are going to find out we're here, and they're going to ask questions." Yoongi asks, slight anxiety in his tone. "The plane should be ready to be boarded in 20 minutes." He responds, suddenly on edge from Yoongi's comment. He was right, after that morning people would be watching. Jeongguk soon returns, handing out waters to everyone, except for Hoseok. He places one near him, but he doesn't give one to him. It's hard to even look into his guilt ridden eyes without wanting to fight him here and there. Seokjin whispers something into Namjoons' ear, and Yoongi watches from the corner of his eye. His hold on Jimin becomes tighter as he moves again. His eyes flutter open, or at least, he tries to open his eyes but the swollen exterior of one of them stops him from doing so. Taehyung reaches forward for Yoongi's suitcase, grabbing the ice pack on the surface of it to hand to him. "Thank you," Yoongi nods, applying the slowly melting ice pack onto Jimin's swollen eye. "You'll be okay." He whispers, brushing Jimin's hair away from his face. "We'll be going home soon." Memories of Yoongi's own past flood his mind as Jimin adjusts himself against his shoulder. But he was staying strong, he had to.

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