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"I'm sorry to do this so suddenly, but I need to call in sick today. Tell everyone to practice their cover of Fake Love for the concert in Taipei." Namjoon pulls his phone away from his ear, silence following after the voicemail ends. "He said that he needs to call in sick today." He mutters, while looking at Jin. "You don't think it has anything to do with Hoseok, right?" The older male asks as he pulls a navy blue shirt over his now blonde locks. "I don't know. But whatever it is I'm sure it's fine." Namjoon replies, placing his phone face down on his nightstand. "Yoongi seems to of really taken a liking to Jimin. I saw him leave work with him yesterday." The younger male adds, his eyes finding Seokjins'. "I haven't noticed."

"I think he likes Jimin."

"Oh really?"



Yoongi walks into the Bighit Entertainment building, his phone in his hands and his headphones in his ears. He couldn't bother with those airpods, or whatever they were called since he believed they'd just fall out of his ears the second after he got them. Right there would be a waste of two-hundred dollars. "Hey," Namjoon says from behind the older male, forcing him to shut off the music that was playing. "Hey." He responds simply, taking out the headphones.

"I just wanted to tell you that Jimin called in sick, oh—and would you mind telling the group he's working with to keep practicing that fake love dance cover?" He asks, but Yoongi doesn't hear him. How could his relaxing morning turn into something stressful and concerning in a mere second?

"Sure I can tell them. Did Jimin tell you what was wrong?" Yoongi asks, his fingers oh so close to Jimin's contact.

He could just call him himself, right? Ask what was wrong and then from there divide and conquer. But if he was really sick, he wouldn't want to just call and disturb him. "I don't know. I was planning to stop by later to see what was wrong. I would definitely stop by if Hoseok would answer me, but he's..MIA."

MIA? Hoseok?

"I can stop by Namjoon, you're holding auditions today anyway. All I have to do is run by some artists and their songs, but after that I'm a free man." Yoongi jokes, a smile finding itself on his pink tinted lips. "You sure?" Namjoon asks. "Positive."

"What're you guys talking about?" Another presence enters the atmosphere, their plump lips smiling kindly. "Yoongi said he'd stop by Hoseok's apartment for me so I would be able to focus on the auditions today." The younger male between the two responds, planting a kiss on Seokjin's soft cheek. "Ohh I see. Thanks Yoongi." Yoongi could see it in Jin's facial expression.

He was thanking him, not only for relieving stress from his significant other, but because Hoseok wasn't answering anyone and that was worrisome for the trio.

"I need to start getting ready for the group, thanks again Yoongi." Namjoon grins, waving as he walks away in the direction of his office.

"Sometimes I wonder why Namjoon puts himself through so many tasks in the day." Jin mumbles, watching as his lover disappears. "I received a message from Jimin last night.."

Yoongi's eyes light up with caution.

"He seemed hurt, but his words were scrambled. It was if he typed them blind. And when I went over there last night I knocked on the door and no one answered." The blonde haired male says, his voice calm despite the words falling from his tongue.

"I'm scared." He admits.

"Do you think Jimin was hurt?" Yoongi asks.

"I can't tell for sure..but he was upset.

But I do know one thing, Jimin despises calling in sick when he doesn't need to."


A few months ago.

Jimin looks at his reflection in the mirror, running a hand through his newly dyed blonde locks. "So what? It's a date. Nothing new." He mumbles to himself, loosening the shirts collar around his neck. The young dancer pulls a jacket from his closet and slowly puts it on. He could feel his heart beating a million miles a minute, adding onto the already present fear.

Jimin had been speaking with this person over a dating app for a few weeks now, and just the day before they had both mutually agreed to go out. To a bar of all places.

His name was Kim Mingyu.

The dancer opens the same dating app, quickly messaging Mingyu to tell him that he would be at the bar soon. It was around seven at night, so not too late. But late enough. Jimin soon leaves his breaking down apartment, playing with the keys that kept his motorcycle running.

It only takes a few minutes to arrive at the hidden away bar, and from outside, to his demise all Jimin can see is a small group of people. But no Mingyu.

"Calm down Jimin, he's inside. Waiting for you."

For someone who had been stood up many times before, dating was a difficult task. And one that would cause the young adult to temporarily break down the walls that had built themselves over the past years.

Jimin enters the bar, his helmet tucked under his arm while his phone rests in the palm of his hand, his fingers wrapped around the small object. His eyes trailed the room, searching every face for those familiar eyes that he had spent weeks staring at through his phone screen. Kim Mingyu, Mingyu..Mingyu..

He wasn't there.

No sugarcoating it, the person that Jimin had been talking to for what seemed like ages, had stood him up. So he finally pulls out his phone, to see a message that fractures his heart even further. It read:

MinMin: Listen Jimin..I realize that I can't do this. I'm sorry, but I'd think it's best if we stop talking.

If I did something I'm sorry, if I hurt you somehow, or—I don't know! Please tell me what happened

User: MinMin has blocked you

It was too good to be true. That was clear to Jimin now, and so were the tears now streaming down his face. Even staining his shirt. The people in the bar turned to face him, one woman even asked him if he was alright, to which he responded with a weak, 'yes' afterwards making a run for the door.

The tears kept coming, blinding the young male to the point that the person in front of him wasn't even registered as real.

So as he pushes past the stranger, they say, "hey—are you alright?" And Jimin responds with another yes. But this time the stranger doesn't stop. "I don't think you are. And that helmet is telling me your own that motorcycle right there."

"So what?" Jimin rasps.

"So if I let you drive with those tears in your eyes you'll get into an accident."

"Why do you care anyways?" Jimin asks while rubbing his eyes, hoping to get rid of the tears.

Standing in front of him was indeed a stranger, with multi-colored hair. He looked kind. With a small sudden smile that shocked Jimin.

"I care because I don't want someone getting into an accident when I could've just as easily stopped it. And because seeing people upset makes me upset."

"I'm not..upset."

"You were stood up, right?"


"Well..stood up or not, want to join me for a drink? Just one though since I'm trying to watch my alcohol intake. The name is Hoseok."

Jimin was already stood up, it couldn't get worse than this, right?

"My name is Jimin, it's nice to meet you."

"A very pretty name. So is that a yes?"

"Haha..sure, I'll join you for a drink."

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