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Jimin pulls out a chair that was once up against the table, near the far end of the restaurant. The group of seven settle into their seats, falling into light conversation about the earlier hours of the day. Nearest to the wall, Namjoon and Jin sit with each other. Jeongguk sits next to them, and at his side is Taehyung. Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi take up the three idle chairs on the other side of the table. Jimin peers over Hoseok's shoulder towards his menu, his eyes watching as his boyfriend eyes the beverages section. "How about we all collectively order water?" Jimin jokes, hoping that someone in particular catches on. But Hoseok just laughs him off, and orders some alcoholic drink instead. "I'll have a water." Another voice speaks up, his dark hair seemingly a red underneath the warm lights. Jimin smiles in Yoongi's direction, but he doesn't get one in return. Maybe he just didn't notice. "So, I know that we're on vacation, but I really think we should talk about where the com--" Jin elbows Namjoons' side, sighing, "let's order our food."

"All I'm saying is, your braincells are superior than mine." Hoseok mumbles, a bottle of soju held loosely in his hand. "And I think it's time that we head out. They need to clear the table, Hoseok." Jin stands up and puts his wallet in his back pocket. Yoongi does the same with his own wallet. "I mean the capacity of math genius displayed within my two hyungs. Wow." Namjoon stifles a laugh under the sleeve of his sweatshirt as Jin and Yoongi remain unbothered. "I guess we'll head back to our room." Jimin holds onto Hoseok's hand tightly, beginning to direct him towards the exit. Everyone follows close behind, chattering about the smallest of things once again. Yoongi hangs back behind for a second or two--Jeongguk takes notice, and excuses himself from the rest of the group. "It's hard to watch, isn't it?" He whispers, pretending to look for something to avoid suspicion. "I don't know what you mean, kook." Yoongi responds cooly, joining in on finding whatever imaginary thing the younger male had in mind. "Jimin didn't say anything to you tonight, and we both know why. I think we all know why." He reaches his hand under the table, and grasps something small in the shape of a rectangle. "Talk to him." Jeongguk whispers, "Jin hyung you dropped your card," he says while running towards the group. A sigh escapes Yoongi's lips. As he glances up, his eyes meet with ones across the room, of a deep chocolate shade. But as soon as they appear, they're gone; separated by a closing door.

Jimin opens the locked hotel room door with a swipe of his key card, pushing against the heavy material with a barely conscious Hoseok wrapped around his shoulder. He kicks the door closed behind him, and begrudgingly moves Hoseok to their bed. "Are you feeling okay?" He asks. Hoseok groans as a response, tiredness fills his eyes. It was almost as if. . ."I guess you should've had some water instead of soju, tonight." He laughs quietly, walking across the room to look for a bottle of water in the small fridge. "Get some rest." Jimin hands Hoseok the bottle, "I'll be out on the balcony." With that said, Jimin leaves Hoseok to his own devices. The cool air hits him in a refreshing way. It was so stuffy in their room, for some reason that Jimin couldn't pinpoint exactly--but even if the air was colder, and crisp, it was better than anything else in that moment. He glances inside, and notices Hoseok's calm aura. The water bottle was untouched, but what could he do about that? A quiet chirping sound interrupts the calmness of the night, and Jimin realizes that it's his phone going off on the table next to him. A message from Yoongi, of all people. Another message pops up, and then another. "What even. ." He mumbles, a laugh escapes from his slightly parted lips. All he could make out was an ungodly amount of emojis, which wasn't necessarily normal for someone of Yoongi's texting style.

Hey Jimin

I'm sorry for not really talking to you earlier today, I guess I just wasn't in a talkative mood. If that's even possible. Just don't blame yourself okay? Anyways I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out? The pool is still open, or maybe at the lobby?

And then a full message of emojis after.


Jimin replies.

The pool sounds great, I'll see you there in a few minutes?

The speech bubbles appear in record time, and soon turn into words.

Ok cool.

Featuring, more emojis.

Jimin doesn't waste any time. He grabs his sweatshirt and weaves his arms through it to face the suddenly colder air. It didn't feel refreshing anymore, but repetitive. To the point that a weird feeling had settled in the pit of Jimin's stomach, but he swallowed it down. A smile forms on his lips as he quietly slides open the balcony doors, shutting it with the same quietness. He doesn't pay any mind to the rooms stillness, or his racing heart. Or the sound that accompanies the rapid beating. Jimin almost reaches the door that leads into the rest of the hotel--but a hand grabbing his wrist stops him dead in his tracks. It doesn't fully register by the time that he's being turned around. A sense of whiplash overtakes his senses, a dizziness he wasn't expecting sneaks into his head. "It's literally midnight, where were you going?" The figure asks, his voice is cold. Colder than the air that seeps into the room. "I. . .Was going to see someone." The grip on Jimin's wrist grows tighter, and more unbearable. "Let me guess," they begin. "Yoongi, right? I honestly don't know what you see in him." Hoseok scoffs, "maybe you just go for the person with the most baggage to make yours less. Am I suddenly not enough? Be honest with me Jimin." Hoseok's voice rasps, his words are precise, despite the smell of alcohol dripping from his breath. "Oh wait. I know what it is. You just don't want to deal with me anymore, it must be the fame. It's gotten to you, hasn't it? The rumors, the relationships, the attention." "No, Hoseok!" Jimin yells, "how many times do I have to tell you that I love you? When will it ever be enough!" A sharp pain fills Jimin's senses in an instant. Flashes of the same scenario from weeks ago flood his mind to distract him. He places his hand against his lip, a warm liquid drips from the tip of his finger. His hands begin to shake, as his nerves rush around his body in panic. And as if falling out of a trance, Hoseok is apologizing without any breaks. It's all mumbled words of plea. The smell of alcohol is suffocating to Jimin, and the feeling of persistent stinging continuously gets worse. But Hoseok falls to his knees, and without even thinking about why--Jimin is falling to his knees too. The two wrap each other in an embrace. But Jimin doesn't feel safe anymore. The only thing that aids him in comfort, is Yoongi's ringtone echoing in the back of his mind.

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