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Malta. Malta of all places was where Namjoon and Jin felt was the best place they could visit. The outstanding scenery, and the calming atmosphere were what they felt everyone needed. Their plane landed, and soon enough they were packed away in cars, being driven to a hotel that sat before the beaches. People shuffle in and out of the large doors which lead into the hotel, while the group of seven unpack the cars. Luggage, as well as smaller bags are pulled out, and placed on a luggage cart. Jeongguk stretches his arms, as a yawn escapes his lips. "The first thing I'll do when we go inside is nap." He admits, finding Taehyung's eyes as the slightly older male rests his hand on his boyfriend's' shoulder. "I think I'll join you." Taehyung smiles, moving his hand from Jeongguk shoulder to his waist. Changes were already happening, and Jin was happy about it. "Just make sure you're awake before we leave for dinner," Namjoon interrupts their sweet moment, his arms growing tired from the leftover luggage he offered to carry. "Let me help, hyung." Jimin reaches out for one of the bags, but is pulled back by a hand that's wrapped around his wrist. His eyes dart behind him, curious as to who pulled him back. "People were trying to get past us," Hoseok says with a tone Jimin is used to. His passive aggressiveness is more than evident in the way he speaks these days. "Let's just go in," Yoongi breaks the ice with his words. He's already walking inside next to the person who's pushing the luggage cart. As he walks past Jimin he glances at him, mistakenly catching Hoseok's glare as he does. He gulps, and continues inside.

The many halls turn Jimin and Hoseok around a few times. Doors which say one number lead them to one place, and then another; until they finally find the room they were told was theirs for the week. Hoseok holds the keycard over the scanner which is placed above the door handle. A quiet beep rings throughout their ears, as a green light flashes; giving them the confirmation that the door is unlocked. Hoseok opens the door, revealing to Jimin something he imagined only in dreams. A king sized bed is placed against the wall, and parallel to that is a large couch which is set in front of a coffee table made entirely of glass with gold accents. Carpet greets them as they walk in, as does a breeze created by the open doors which lead to the balcony. A closet entrance is to their immediate left, as is a door that probably leads to the bathroom. The room has a quiet lavender scent, with touches of eucalyptus. Jimin drops his bags in awe; he drags his hand against the textured walls. Hoseok's' apartment was nice, but this one hotel room was so much more than what'd the average person would call nice. A smile dances upon his lips as he reaches the bed. The white blankets are soft under his touch, and the pillows are neatly placed at the end of the bed nearest to the headboard. And then the balcony. The breeze continued to flow throughout the room, weaving through Jimin's blonde locks. He walks towards the open doors, and stands in the sunlight; practically bathing in it. Hoseok soon joins him, and for once Jimin can see something else in his eyes.

Something new, but familiar in a way. No resentment or anger was present. It reminded him of Hoseok's eyes when they first met. When it was only them, against the world. Maybe there was something still in him, behind the smell that polluted the air late at night when bottles were piled up in the kitchen. Alcohol could destroy a person, but who's to say something or someone else couldn't stitch them up again. Jimin breathes in the warm air, leaning over the ramp that stops him from going any further towards the ground that looks and feels miles away. Hoseok runs a hand through his hair. "Let's get changed, and then head down for dinner. Okay?" He places a light kiss on Jimin's cheek. His hand grazes over the younger males' as he leaves the balcony.

Jimin stares off into the scenery, getting lost in the translations of the wind and chattering of the people down below. His eyes drift closed for a second, and suddenly he's taken back to his flight—with Yoongi. The voices of his friends faded in and out of existence as he could remember the way Yoongi nodded his head back and forth to the music ringing throughout his ear buds. A sigh escapes Jimin's lips as he opens his eyes. "Alcohol can change a person, but I can stitch whoever that is back together." He whispers to himself, repeating it one or two more times in his head. Hoseok needed him now, he needed his commitment. Yoongi—Yoongi needed to stay off of his mind, for the time being. Jimin pivots on his heel, the wind now blowing his hair towards his face. He inhales, and then exhales. "This is for Hoseok." But for some reason, even as he said that—the thought of Yoongi embracing him when he took sanctuary at his home was what triggered the rose tint to fall onto his cheeks. "What's wrong with me," Jimin mumbles quietly. He couldn't be falling out of love, right?

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